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Student Wellbeing


1. First Aid and Sick Bay


2. Anti-Bullying Policy

At Brighton Beach we believe our students have the right to feel safe, happy and to be treated with respect as they learn. To this end a policy has been developed around this rationale. It is available on request and published annually, as well as being available on our web site.


3. Additional Services

Services such as an Educational Psychologist and Speech Pathologist are available through the school, upon request to the principal or via the classroom teacher. The principal and assistant principal can also be a link between families and other support services as may be required.


4. Student Welfare & Management

As a school community we foster a sense of individual responsibility and self-worth, where each member respects the rights of others and are sensitive towards their needs.

At Brighton Beach Primary School we encourage students to take responsibility for their own actions and develop self-discipline and resilience within a supportive school community.We understand that children make mistakes from time to time, however it is important to spend time reflecting on these mistakes and why they occurred.


In term one of each year, all classes spend time to establish what it means to come together as a learning community. Students and teachers reflect on the school values and discuss the types of behaviours that would demonstrate these values. This process enables each class to co-create a set of behavioural norms that guide the choices that are made on a daily basis. Sometimes it may be necessary for students to take time out of normal classroom activities to complete a response form (Think Paper or a drawing with a written conversation) that will allow them the opportunity to reflect on inappropriate behaviour. This form will then be sent home as a means of communication to parents. We do appreciate this form being returned to school the following day signed to confirm that it has been sighted and the issue discussed.

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