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Welcome to Term 1 Week 2 2023

Welcome back to all our families, and a warm welcome to the new faces in our community. A big thank you to everyone for a smooth transition into 2023 as our students adjust to new classroom communities and routines.

A special well done to our Prep students, who have engaged in our learning program with their natural enthusiasm and built in creativity. The transition to school is a big moment for all family members, so remember to take it slow and enjoy! (And provide lots of opportunities for rest and down time when at home).

Grade 3-6 swimming is off to a great start – thanks to all our parents who have supported our students by volunteering time to assist with the intensive program. Teachers will leave lost property in a year level basket in their common spaces for your child to access. Our grade 4-6 swimming carnival is next Friday – please see the Compass Event out tomorrow, and email Benita in the office to help from 9-12.30 if you are able to participate on the day – these events rely on the goodwill of our families to give time to support our teachers and students. We thank you in advance.

Congratulations to our 2022 Grade 5 Upstanders – now Grade 6 - their 'Speak Up' project is currently featured at the Bayside Gallery. The Speak Up exhibition, opened over the weekend. Lia and Sophia represented our school brilliantly. They shared what the experience as an Upstander meant to them: "We learnt how important it is to stand up for yourself and others. Being an upstander is about helping others, and we got to teach other people about what it means to stand up for others. Just like the theme of our project - Speak Up - its important to call it out when you see something that isn't right, and tell a trusted adult if you need help".

Be sure to check out the exhibition. Also featured in the photos below is Sophia Korfiatis, a former BBPS student now in Year 12. Sophia received an award for her piece.

Annual School Council elections are upon us. We thank our ongoing School Council members who will again be joining us this year and thank Candice McGowan for her contributions during her time on School Council. School Council meet on a monthly basis to review and discuss aspects of school policy, finance, buildings and endorse whole school priorities – if you would love to know more, please speak to one of our current members and consider completing a nomination form, available in the Admin Office. There are a number of vacant positions for 2023. Nomination forms must be lodged by 4pm on Friday, March 3rd.

Playground Markings

You will have noticed the our eduMarking playground games have been installed in our playground – a big thank you again to our Parent Association and community. The donations received in 2022 have resulted in these great play options for our students.

The Parent Association is a committee that works in partnership with the School Council. Our highly active PA oversee whole school events and fundraising for a range of school projects. Our first meeting is tomorrow at 9:15am in the library – all welcome to attend. Please consider the formal roles of PA below, these will be allocated during tomorrow’s meeting. If you are unable to attend but would like to nominate yourself for a role, please email your interest. See the PA section of our newsletter for a description of the available PA roles.

As was shared in last week’s Friday Comms, if you would like to be included in your 2023 class communications (Whatsapp) group please OPT IN. This will be set up following tomorrow’s PA meeting so make sure you have entered your details.

Things you might be wondering at BBPS for 2023 …

Meet and Greets are next Thursday, 16th February at 3:45-5:30pm (Please note slightly adjusted time from original comms last Friday to allow our teachers a moment to breathe and get organised after the end of day bell).

This year our Meet and Greets will take a slightly different format, combining the opportunity to meet your child’s teacher along with relevant aspects about the curriculum and instruction. The afternoon session will comprise of three aspects: An opportunity to engage in classroom activities (open classroom – students welcome); to mingle with your 2023 classroom community and teacher; and to hear from this year’s teacher in a formal presentation focussed on curriculum and learning. These sessions will take place in your child’s classroom. For families managing multiple children, please note the staggered formal presentation times below:



If for any reason, you would like individual meetings with your class teacher, please know that you are invited to request a parent meeting at a time that suits. This offer is open throughout the entire school year.

Teachers will also reach out to parents with children on an Individual Education Plan to arrange a 1:1 meeting in the coming weeks.

COVID recommendations

Requirements remain the same: isolate for 5 days if you test positive, close contacts to wear masks to school if in grade 3-6, notify the school of a confirmed case. Schools are permitted to use their discretion in communicating positive cases to the school community – be assured we will let relevant cohorts know of confirmed cases. We appreciate the diligence of our community. The key is to continue to tune into illness, test with a RAT as a precaution if your child shows any symptoms, and stay home if unwell.

Recycling Uniforms - Meet our super heroes Leah and Judy

We thank all our families who wash and donate uniforms to recycle. We love the genuine eagerness of our community in general to embrace living sustainably.

Specialist subjects:


This year students will be engaging in Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics (STEAM) every fortnight with Ms Naomi Beales, who has this year returned from family leave. This is an exciting introduction to our program where students will explore 'design and make' principles, coding and robotics, conduct science experiments and tinker with inventions.


Students will re-engage with Japanese this year in a hybrid model. This will involve a combination of classroom based activities and online interaction. The current shortage of teachers across our system has resulted in some schools in the beachside network utilising the online platform ‘Language Nut’. Facilitated in P-2 by Naomi Beales and 3-6 by classroom teachers, students will have the opportunity to engage in oral language practice, vocabulary building exercises and interactive team challenges. We look forward to sharing more with you throughout the year.

Friday, 24th February: Welcome BBQ and picnic 4:30-7:30pm

Put this date in the diary, and come along with your family to enjoy an evening picnic (BYO) at BBPS. Kaboom Sports will be running entertainment for the students from 5pm.

School Photos:


We look forward to working with you for another successful year at BBPS for our students.


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