A warm welcome back to Bev this week, our students were thrilled to see her – our grade 1 and grade 4 students had even decorated her office in anticipation of her return!

Athletics Carnival was a huge success this week, with students loving the opportunity to put their newly practiced skills into play – all students who participate receive a house point for their team. Congratulations to this year’s winning house, Gordon. Thanks to all the parents who helped the very organised Mr Ancrum to facilitate the event – we are so appreciative of the number of parents who helped us at the last minute. Results will be shared with students tomorrow, in preparation for District Athletics in the final week of term. Make sure you check out the Athletics section of this newsletter for some action shots.

The Kaboom Sport Carnival for our Junior School (P-2) on the oval at school was also a huge success. The instructors were very impressed with our year 2 Leaders. 'We have never seen such organised lines, it was led with military precision.'
Congratulations also to our Downball competitors - see BBPS Life for more. Many thanks to Linda McCaffery for once again organising for the team of enthusiastic students. Thanks to our current school captain Ethan who initiated the introduction of this sport in 2023.

Our fantastic Leadership Program in the senior school is well on its way, with students getting the opportunity to lead and develop areas of passion, have a sense of agency and purpose, while gaining a deeper understanding of their personal strengths and the collaboration skills required to work as a member of a team. Our leadership program is unique to BBPS, and we pride ourselves on the authentic opportunities we provide our students.
Selected grade 6 students have done an outstanding job leading our tabloid sport program for St Peter’s Kindergarten students each week. Students have planned and facilitated a range of activities to build their fundamental motor skills, reflecting on the process:
Milla – “They were very energetic. Next time I’d pick a different activity because the one I chose was too hard”
Chloe – “They loved working with us and were so engaged. They were also so cute!”
Our Grade 5 Waste Warriors launched their project at assembly this week – they ask all students to contribute to their collection drive, as part of the Victorian Container Deposit Scheme – please send in any drink containers for recycling, and the proceeds raised by our WW will go to BeachPatrol Brighton, who our students will be working closely with.
Grade 5 Upstanders will be attending the annual forum with our 4 partner schools of Beachside, working with an artist in residence on this year’s project – Being Kind Online. More on this community project to come.
Authentic leadership in action with our Grade 4s, Josh and Seb have started a cricket lunchtime club. They are playing on Windermere outside the office every day.
"Even if you have never played and just want to give it a go you are welcome to join in"
School Saving Bonus
This week’s assembly was a thrill, with the introduction of our school Merit certificates – two students from each class receiving an academic or school values award, as chosen by their teacher. These have been introduced as a way to acknowledge learning growth, build personal pride at school, and celebrate the achievements of others. Well done to our first recipients.

A further congratulations also to our Environmental Captains – Noah, Pelleh and Louis, successful recipients of a Life Education $1000 grant, to go towards an edible garden. Their grant application formed part of their Term 2 Action Project, as part of our leadership program. They clearly composed a very compelling application, 'we told Patrick the words and he typed them for us...' many thanks to Patrick for supporting the process.
Happy Fathers Day to all the dads in the BBPS community
We were delighted to host dads across the school to celebrate Fathers' Day. Take a look at the pics below of our grade 1 students hosting a special opportunity for dads to spend time in the classroom.

Thank you to our teachers for their hard work behind the scenes for another successful and well attended Father’s Day event in the junior school. Students engaged in a range of activities with their special guest, including sharing writing, craft and structure building. Grade 6 are hosting a gratitude afternoon tea in acknowledgement of dads and people they admire on Wednesday, 18th September 3-3:45pm.
Babies Galore - Noami with Harry, Jodie with Elias, Megan with Parker, Amy with Gigi, and Kirsten with Emmet. Combining careers with motherhood! Go Girls!

Senior School Market Day is soon, as shared in last week’s community update:
