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Welcome Back Term 2

We finished Term One with the brilliant as always Easter Raffle. The Easter Bunny made a special appearance and all students enjoyed chocolate or a treat in one form or another. Our school captains Ati and Edan did a very timely skit on what winning a raffle can look like - their two versions set the scene for success. We are so grateful for the support from our community and to the PA members who supported and coordinated the event.

Welcome back to the start of Term 2. We hope everyone enjoyed their break, whether you travelled far and wide, or had a staycation, and some relaxing downtime featured at some point, like horse riding.

Ms Eliza Bernau in Year 1 shared the delightful news of her engagement. We wish Lize and Jack all the best as they plan now for their wedding.

How fabulous do our new surfaces look? It is wonderful watching our children enjoy these new play spaces. Work is set to resume this week as the last of the turf arrives from Queensland.

In line with our SunSmart Policy as it is now May students no longer are required to wear hats outside. They are, of course, encouraged to continue to do so on sunny days.

A big thank you to our team of Parent Helpers: Simmone, Cesca, Anna, Jenny, Jessy, Sheridan, Sonia, Liz, Marnie, Marg and Tali for the facilitation of our Mother’s Day and Special Friends Stall this week.

HURRY! It’s your last chance to win a share of over $10,000 worth of prizes in the BBPS Mother’s Day Raffle.

All prizes kindly donated by our generous suppliers to raise funds for our school.

Treat mum, or the special people in your life - there’s something for everyone. See flyer for the incredible prizes up for grabs.

Raffle to be drawn tomorrow, May 6th, at the Mother’s Day Lunch at Elwood Bathers, but you don’t need to be at the event to win.

Tickets just $5 each, or three for $10.

BOOK NOW online is your final opportunity to be involved in our Raffle, go to: to purchase tickets. We thank you to date for your donations towards our recent events at school – we are so grateful to our community for your enthusiasm and generosity. We look forward to hearing all about the celebratory luncheon, taking place tomorrow. Special thanks to Anna, Kate and the organising team for coordinating the event.

Please keep an eye out for our "Call for Election Day Cake Stall " next week

There will be a PA meeting Friday 13th May at 9.00am in the Library

Andrew Fuller’s ‘The Big 6’ presentation to families this week was outstanding – it was great to see so many families join us online. Andrew has provided a summary of his research. See link. His key messages for the night were practical and reiterated the importance of our uniqueness as individuals - 'We are all neurodiverse for a reason. Everyone has learning strengths. Be you. Be smart in your way. Find out where your strengths are.'

  • The brain is naturally ‘binary’ which narrows use to ‘either/or’ thinking. We need to train it for ‘all and everything’ thinking.

  • We are all ‘neurodiverse for a reason’ ( Happy Wanderers, Frequent Flyers, Spies, Amplifiers, Fidgeters, Star Trekkers, Social Secretaries) Everyone has learning strengths. Be you, be smart in your way and not in their way. Find out where you are strong, and where you want to be strong.

  • ‘Same same but different’

  • Stretching connections, builds thinking. Connection improves memory

  • Its not about doing more

  • Importance of perspective taking – Tough day, tough week, tough year

  • Knowledge mapping

  • Risk taking converted to thrill seeking and seeing mistakes through that lens

  • Neatness is the enemy of smarts

Impulse Control – your first idea is not always your best idea ( have a second attempt)

  • All learning is science – kids naturally experiment, original idea not the best idea/not everything works well

  • Emotional regulation – 2 forms Calm down or Rev up

  • Envy is a waste of time

  • Be part of ‘the team’ e.g. score assists – putting the other person in the better position

  • Anxiety is only a problem if you don’t do anything with it.

Practical examples

  • The Worry Tree – drop off your worry to pick up at the end of the day or leave it there

  • Dream Catching Tree – to promote the sharing of dreams

  • Taking Action - Planning major community social service programs

  • Dance

  • Theatre Sports

What has our first two weeks of term looked like at BBPS?

ANZAC Day Assembly: Congratulations to our grade 4 team for an outstanding facilitation of this annual event. Students shared insightful understandings about ANZAC symbols and history specific to BBPS. Did you know…? FACT BBPS STUDENT

Dance Curriculum: All our students enjoyed a free dance session, facilitated by Dance Curriculum. They had all of our kiddies up and moving. As a school we often accessed the Dance Curriculum program offered online during the remote learning period in 2021. These sessions were won as part of our Grade 6’s involvement in the Halogen Leadership Program.

Our annual 3-6 Cross Country was a huge success last week and we thank Mr Josh Ancrum, the teaching team and our parent helpers for a great day. Congratulations to Dendy House and all our qualifying students who competed in the District Carnival today.

Interschool Sport begins tomorrow, Grade 5/6 students need to be at school by 8:30am – please make sure you have consented to the Compass Event.

Two Minute Zone and Disabled Parking Reminder: Our two minute zone is positioned out the front of our school on Windermere Crescent, and is active from 7:30-9:15am and 3:00-4:15pm. We ask that families do not leave their cars unattended during this time. In the morning, students can be dropped off at the gates and enter the school grounds independently, and in the afternoon staff will support drivers to keep moving through the two minute zone safely. Please also be mindful not to block access to the Disabled Parking zone at the beach end of the 2 minute zone. We have families who need to be able to access this zone.

What’s Coming Up at BBPS?

Our TRP Wellbeing parent session is taking place on Tuesday – see our Wellbeing section for details, and don’t forget to register with TRP to get the link.

Education Week runs from 22–28 May. The theme, ‘150 Years of Public Education’ commemorates the past, celebrates the present and imagines the future of education in Victoria. Education Week is an opportunity to share our learning and we are thrilled to be able to invite you into our classrooms. Our calendar of events includes:

  • Daily school tours at 9:30am

  • Wednesday, 25th May – Grade 4-6 students are invited to a viewing of ‘Gender Free …’, this is a great opportunity to open up conversation linked to our Respectful Relationships Curriculum. See our Wellbeing section for details.

  • On Thursday, 26th May classrooms will be open from 3:30-5:30pm. More details to come.

  • Families are invited to stay for a picnic on Windermere Oval on Thursday 5:30-7:30pm - Sausage Sizzle and Music performances from 5:30pm

There are all kinds of family configurations – on days like Mother’s Day we take the opportunity at BBPS to celebrate all kinds of mums, mother-figures, special friends, carers and support people in our students’ lives. Wishing all of these special people a wonderful Sunday.

WEEK 2 3rd May 6-7pm webinar

The Big 6 w Andrew FullerStudent Wellbeing Session – see Wellbeing section of our newsletter for details re this amazing opportunity.

WEEK 3 9th May Evening webinar

The Resilience ProjectStudent Wellbeing Session – see Wellbeing section of our newsletter for details re this amazing opportunity.

Week 4 19th May 6pm

Family Life 7 – 8pm for Year 5/6 parents Online or in person TBC

Parent information session for Grade 5 and 6 parents, in support of the Family Life classroom sessions. More details to come.

WEEK 5 Tues / Thurs Education Week

Classrooms will be open after school – a great opportunity for your child to share their learning space.

We are planning to have our official library opening also.

Keep Tues / Thurs next week free – details will be confirmed early next term, COVID pending.

WEEK 5 Education Week – RR Movie Night Grade 4-6

Wednesday, 25th May, 5pm Offsite

Details to be confirmed, but this will be a great opportunity to connect with your child around our Respectful Relationships topic of Gender Identity.

Week 6 1st June 6pm

Family Life 6 – 7pm for Year 3/4 parents and students

Online or in person TBC Parent information session for Grade 3 and 4 parents. More details to come.


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