Welcome back everyone – it’s been a busy first two weeks at BBPS, well done to our students who have transitioned into term 4 with focus and enthusiasm.
Well done to all students for wearing our school uniform with pride, and remembering to wear a school hat when outside. Students not wearing a hat are required to spend lunch time in the CLC to ensure they are sunsmart.
Please see our SunSmart Policy should you require further information.
Congratulations to our Division Athletics team, who represented our school last Friday. All competitors did an outstanding job, with a number of students successful and into the next competition. Thanks to Josh Ancrum and families who supported the students on the day.
Well done: Maddi (hurdles and triple jump), Mimi (long jump and shot put), Josh (shot put), Milla (triple jump), Lucy (100m, 200m), Flynn (triple jump), Henry (long jump), Tilly (discus), Ariel (800m, 1500m).
Staffing update
The staff at BBPS are feeling lots of joy as we return to school this term, with much to celebrate.
Well done Mrs May (and Mr Coulston) on the Collingwood win.

Congratulations to Kirsten Braun, who last week welcomed Emmett, a baby boy. Mum and bub doing well.

We now wait in anticipation for news from Jodie Gates.
This term, Shanti Treloar and Naomi Beales are the grade 6 dream team – a beautiful cyclic journey for the cohort, who began their time at BBPS in prep with these two teachers.
Alison Coutts will be teaching Prep CB for five days and Georgie Hellier, all grades for Visual Arts.

Our STEM program will again resume in 2024 – we thank Naomi for the outstanding foundations made to classroom learning in this area.
It has been lovely having Kim Ancrum visit with Piper this week to support in the Administration Office.

Most excitingly, staff and students have been thrilled with the news that both Megan Craig and Amy Chisholm are expecting early next year. Megan will begin her leave at the end of this academic year while Amy will return at the start of 2024 to support student assessment before embarking on this next adventure. More BBPS babies, congratulations to them both from us all!
Term 4 is always filled with fun events, at both a student and school wide level. Please keep an eye out on Compass and our newsletter for dates to put in your calendar.
BBPS Art Show ‘Bright World of Art’
Tuesday 17th October
1:30 pm onwards Grandparents or Special Friend Lunch.
Grandparents are invited to come and eat with their grandchildren and then go and see the art show once finished eating.
2:30 - 5:00 pm Everyone is welcome to come and visit the ‘Bright World of Art’ Exhibition.
Wednesday 18th October
2:30 - 5:00pm Pop in and visit the ‘Bright World of Art’ Exhibition.
Live music from 4:00 pm featuring BBPS students, the Choir and School Bands.
Sausage sizzle!!!
If anyone is able to help set up and pack up the art or help cook the BBQ please sign up using the link. Your help would be greatly appreciated. https://signup.com/go/VyoypCM
Halloween Disco 27th October
Junior Disco 5.15pm - 6.30pm
Senior Disco 6.45pm - 8.15pm
Tickets - https://www.trybooking.com/CKKKX
Volunteering- https://signup.com/go/yjnXKEC
CHRISTMAS CARNIVAL 10th November 4-8pm.
2023 Class Placement
When developing individual classes each year, teachers consider several factors including academic ability, social competencies, gender, students who work well together, those who may not work well together and friendship groupings.
As per our Class Placement Policy, should you have any specific requests based on the learning needs of your child, please email these to Bev via the admin office by the end of October for further consideration. Requests will not be considered after this date. Naming a specific teacher or nominating other students based on friendship will not be considered.
The placement of students is a complex process where teachers put great thought into their planning. They discuss, reflect, and review their decisions over a period of time, with the wellbeing of all students in mind. We thank you in advance for trusting our judgement and valuing our teachers professional perspective.
Please see how school policy for details on our schol processes for determining classes for the following year.
Please see our recently updated Communication Policy – at BBPS we do our best to provide timely and relevant communication around all aspects of schooling. Schools are such busy ecosystems and it can be hard to keep track at times, this policy supports school operations to streamline the frequency and platforms for sharing key information with our community. As always, we welcome your feedback.
Our Alcohol Policy aligns the responsible serving and usage of alcohol at school events with our code of conduct and values. This is particularly relevant for events where students are in attendance, such as the annual Welcome BBQ or Christmas Event. Many thanks to our School Council members who have supported the review of the this policy.