“Feelings are okay – Make Someone Else’s Day”
With a focus on empathy across the school this term, this week we celebrated World Kindness Day in support of our ongoing journey to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes. Check out the Wellbeing Section of our newsletter for share from the Hub. Thanks to our grade 5 leaders, who will facilitate a mulit-age Friendship Lunch tomorrow to further explore what it means to be kind to others at BBPS.

Students also had a further opportunity to consider the experiences of others through our historical connection with the Melbourne Orphanage. The annual reunion, hosted by OzChild, took place at BBPS over the weekend. Congratulations to our beautiful Year 1 Choir, who performed the carols, "Little Donkey" and "Mary's Boy Child". They expressed their gratitude and connection with the songs, the singing and their many memories of their time as children here all those years ago. Stories and experiences were shared, and this was continued with a visit to school from Rosie and Arthur, who lived and attended school at the orphanage in the 1950s and 60s up to its close in 1965. They spoke to our senior school, Years 3-6 about what life used to be like living here at BBPS:
Everleigh reflected on how hard it would be to not be able to see your little brothers anymore if you were placed in different dormitories.
Sophia was amazed that the entry gate to the orphanage was just at the end of what is now our Prep classrooms.
Xavier felt sad for Rosie because she missed her mum so much that she ruined her own birthday.
Ryder was pleased that our teachers are not as strict.
Marcel couldn't believe that students had to do chores everyday.
Amelia and Pola were saddened to learn that they didn't get to see their family.
Well done to our Grade 1 and Grade 6 buddies, who together presented a very respectful Remembrance Day Assembly this week.
Oscar: I learnt that poppies came up where the war happened and that's why we wear one to remember the soldiers.
Hugo: I learnt that the cross symbol on the grave represents people who did not return from war.

Congratulations to our Waste Warriors, who have contributed to the Message In a Bottle art installation at Science Works.
Our Upstanders launch their interactive art works (look for QR codes at Brighton Beach Station) next Monday.
A report from Anastasia and Zoe, Waste Warriors
On November the 1st four of our year 5 Waste Warriors, Anastasia, Zoe, Izaiah and Gabriel went to Science Works representing BBPS at the media launch for the Container Deposit Scheme installation at Scienceworks. We got to meet Steve Dimopolous, the Minister for the Environment, and the launch was recently featured on television news. We got announce that Victorians have deposited 1 billion containers in the first year to all of the media and people who attended. We had a lot of media people taking photos and videos of us as we looked at the installation. BBPS were selected to attend the media launch, because we wrote messages about recycling and what we can do to help our environment, that are displayed at Scienceworks. Our school had the best entries in Victoria, and we also won a competition for all Waste Warriors to go and visit Scienceworks in a couple of weeks.
Book Fair begins Monday - see the Library section of our newsletter for details and come along, a great opportunity for Xmas gift purchasing.

We hope our Grade 2s have a wonderful time at their Grade 2 sleepover this week, a big thank you to our Junior Team teachers for supporting our students with this wonderful experience.
And good luck to our Dreamers Netball team, competing on Sunday at the Clash of the Courts to raise money for ‘Team Sports 4 All’. Go cheer them on at 1pm, Bayside District Netball Association (Holloway Rd, Sandringham), details in the PA section of the newsletter. A great cause.
Date for the diary:
Fri 6th December 11am - Parent Thank You Morning Tea, our way of thanking all parents who have helped in the classroom, at school events, on excursions and camps etc. in some way or form in 2024. Please come along (same day as Rainbow Colour Run!)
Get Ready for the School Run 4 Fun – Friday, December 6th!
We’re excited to announce that our annual School Run 4 Fun will take place on Friday, December 6th in the afternoon, with a festive Christmas theme!
More details and fundraising information will be sent out on Monday, so stay tuned!
The class that raises the most funds will win a pizza and movie afternoon, and there will be spot prizes and icy poles for all the kids to enjoy.
All funds raised will go towards the grounds maintenance and an upgrade for the Exon Oval – a fantastic cause for our school community!
We look forward to seeing everyone take part in the fun and fundraising!