A big thank you to all those who attended our information sessions this week – an opportunity to meet this year’s teachers and hear more about our areas of focus within each year level for 2024. Our teachers are available for 1:1 meet and greets, just contact them directly should you feel it is required.
Congratulations to our 2023 Upstanders – The Spread the Word campaign is officially launched, and student decals can be spotted across our local Bayside shopping strips and centres. Check out the ones that feature in our school playground – strong messages about what it means to be an Upstander. Special well done to Asher and Harper, who spoke so eloquently at the project launch last week. Year Six leaders will continue to promote this theme of calling out poor choices of words that deliberately hurt, putdown or are out and out mean. Saying 'only joking' is not acceptable. Thanks to our student leaders and their parents who came to the launch at the Bayside Council last Thursday evening. It was a very proud moment for us all. Each year this is outstanding work by our Year Five students from five bayside schools. The Bayside Youth Services now prioritise this partnership which is going into its 12th year. We welcome their valuable support. We can't wait to see what their community project will be in 2024.

Swimming Carnival
Well done to all our swimmers last week – and thanks to Mr Ancrum and our many parent volunteers. District Swimming takes place on Thursday, 7th March – swim team being finalised this week based on heat time results from the carnival. Congratulations to Grainger, our winning house by 4 points! Check out BBPS Life for more on the event.

Our Japanese University Cultural Exchange.
The Japanese Visitors arrive at BBPS next Wednesday, 28 February. We welcome them with a Taiko Drum and Flute incursion. Thank you in advance to our hosting families, who meet their guests Wednesday afternoon. As University teachers-in-training they will have the opportunity to observe our teachers in their craft, and will be facilitating a series of engaging activities with our students towards the end of the week.
School Council 2024
Thank you to our 2023 School Council members, who held their final meeting this week.
A number of our elected members continue into 2024:
David Capps, Helen Tiver, Simon Birch, Merline McGregor, Emily Ratnagobal, and Will Crossland.
With huge gratitude, we thank Marnie Lewis Downing for her outstanding contribution to BBPS school governance, both in her role as Parent Association President and a member of School Council. We are not saying farewell as Marnie is moving her expertise into our school kitchen garden. Watch this space!
New Members
We are now looking for additional School Council members to join our team – please speak to a member of School Council to find out more. School Council meet on a monthly basis to review and discuss aspects of school policy, finance, buildings and endorse whole school priorities – if you would love to know more, please speak to one of our current members and consider completing a nomination form, available in the Admin Office. Nomination forms must be lodged by 4pm on Friday, March 1st. See Benita.