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The Wrap

At BBPS we have a number of initiatives centred around student engagement – if students feel connected and inspired they are more open to learning and challenging themselves.

Our Grade 6s are busy implementing their Community Action Plans. Please see below for an update from our Healthy Lifestyle Teams, Alfie, Jasper and Elliot:

Our action project is focussed on student fitness. We were particularly interested in this area after research shows reduced levels of physical activity in students (and engagement in sport) after lockdowns.

We met with Joe and Victor from Tour De Cure.

Tour De Cure is an organisation that rides to raise money for a cure to cancer. Tour De Cure is a great place for you to do the best thing in the world (cycling) and cure cancer at the same time. Even if you don’t like riding, or you’re not athletic, riding in Tour De Cure is a great way to improve your health and fitness, but also to make you a happier person.

Joe, who is participating in a 380km ride, and members of his team, are coming to assembly on the 7th of November to talk about how being fit can hold benefits for you and others. One of the most important benefits is happiness because being fit and healthy means you are a very happy person.

If you want to donate to Tour De Cure and support Joe and his team, click the link to donate.

And our War and Peace Action Team, Flynn, Edan and Harvey:

Road Safety

You may have noticed newly repainted road markings on Windermere Crescent to highlight our disabled parking spots. When lining up for the two minute zone, please keep these free – it is helpful to also leave the driveway along our school fence accessible to help with access to these spots for families who might need it.

A reminder also that students (and adults) are to cross the road at the designated crossings on Exon and Windermere Oval. During pick up time, our surrounding roads are busy - crossing at the Two Minute Zone is not a safe option.

Thank you again to our parent volunteers who supported our Bunnings BBQ – a successful day raising over $2000. This money will go towards purchasing new outdoor furniture for the Kitchen Garden to further create outdoor learning spaces for the summer. We will share pictures when the items arrive!

Thanks to all the mums who signed up all the dads/grandads or partners. Thanks to the teams/individuals that did shifts and even multiple shifts. The sense of community spirit, fun and including all comers was palpable and together we made it fun and problem solved along the way - especially when the onions became a challenge. Well done to everyone. Thanks to the team who organised the event and all that was needed. We are fundraising for our new inclusive playground.

Big Thanks to Viv for tidying up our Lost Property

Our students are thrilled for our Halloween Disco tomorrow – thank you in advance to the organising team and all the parents who are helping with this event. Parents are welcome to stay during the disco, feel free to help out!

See the Community News section of our newsletter for the latest links to our remaining PA events for 2022:

Election Day BBQ volunteers

Christmas Extravaganza tickets

School Council report, following yesterday’s meeting:

  • Congratulations to the team at BBPS, who have been successful in gaining a $200,000 grant to go towards an inclusive playground development in 2023. All raised funds from this year’s Christmas Extravaganza will go towards this project. We thank you in advance for your generosity.

  • Buildings and Grounds: A rolling audit of our buildings was completed, and we are currently awaiting the final report. DET MakeSafe have been excellent in responding to minor repair and maintenance building needs based on the recent rains. Thank you to Rob, our Windermere Crossing Guard, who is also supporting us with general garden maintenance while Shane is unwell.

  • Finance: 2023 Parent Payment Arrangements are currently being finalised, and will be shared with community shortly. You may be pleased to know that the DET processes have returned to the lump sum option for payment for Incursions and Excursions Activities rather than just the ‘Pay as you Go’ system that was required for 2022.

  • Education and Policy: The Student Engagement and Wellbeing and Bully Prevention Policies were reviewed and ratified. Thank you to members of our community who read and provide feedback based on our sharing of these policies in previous newsletters. The updated versions can be found on our website.

  • Marketing and Publicity: Well done to the Christmas Extravaganza organising committee who have secured a number of sponsors for our event, totaling over $11 000 to date. Many of these are from families within our community – we thank you wholeheartedly for your support and generosity. Keep an eye out in upcoming newsletters for details in regards to these sponsors.


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