Congratulations to our Grade 5 Upstanders who have this week facilitated a series of workshops for their peers focused on this year’s project theme – Having the Confidence to Speak Up. BBPS focused on teaching their fellow Upstanders how to build trust with your friends to talk about things that upset you.
Along with our network schools, our Upstanders presented their challenge via Webex earlier this week, and have used this year’s established online program to engage with each other’s ideas. Congratulations to Jodie Gates and the team for their dedication to being an Upstander, especially through this year’s interruptions.
As we return to face to face learning it is timely for us to seek feedback about the communication platforms we use at BBPS. The past six months has created a window for parents into our classrooms. We do not want to 'return to what was' but rather consider 'what might be' moving forward. Teachers are thinking about how we might further build the connection between home and school, and we value your thoughts too. We invite you to complete our Communication Survey. LINK
We had the latest information ready to share with you re visitors in schools, rapid antigen testing and closure procedures. Based on today's announcement from Dan Andrews we will now share the most current DET operations with you once we receive the Department update. So if you are wondering, don't worry, its coming. Keep an eye out for our Compass updates.

At this time of year staffing for 2022 is being finalised as school's advertise to replace teachers who are leaving. BBPS can confirm that Kate O'Hara has accepted a full time position at Sandringham P.S, Showji Ito has accepted a full time position at Wyndem Central College to teach VCE Japanese. Vanessa Gadea and Naomi Beales are taking 12 months leave and Anoushka Prockiw is also leaving to take some time with her family. Celebrations and farewells will take place in the final week of term as we thank and acknowledge these valued staff members and their contributions to the BBPS team and community.
Staffing positions have and are currently been advertised for BBPS.
Leadership Positions for 2022
We congratulate Ms Megan Craig on her re-appointment into the substantive role as Leading Teacher at BBPS. And as 2022 is a school review year for BBPS, Shanti Treloar, Kirsten Braun and Ryan Bolger have also been appointed to leadership roles as part of the School Improvement Team.