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Term 4 Week 4

Message From Bev and Kim  Katia, Will and Ruby (6C) Great job to all this week, with a sense of excitement in response to government announcements. At this stage, our operations remain unchanged, and no further guidelines have been received. 

SRC Badge Ceremony: Congratulations to our SRC who not only received their badges at Monday’s assembly but have already held their first virtual meeting this week, focusing on building their presence in our community and providing feedback on our Bike and Scooter Policy. Many thanks to Jodie Gates and Paloma Ellis-Vega for supporting our SRC Coordinators Ruby and Felix.  Speaking of bikes …  Well done to all our students who have been riding to school safely! With Bike Education not officially taking place this term due to COVID restrictions, we will conduct reminder theory sessions with our Grade 4/5 students in the coming weeks. We encourage you to revisit key bike safety strategies with your child. More on this next week, but in the meantime consider visiting for tips and resources. As so many students are now riding to school  the cricket net is being made available to house  bikes during the day. Grade 6 Leadership: Congratulations to our Grade 6 students for the ongoing updates to their Leadership SiteStudents are continuing to be encouraged to access this site both in the classroom and at home. COVIDSafe Behaviours: A reminder that the first wave of staggered arrivals is at 8:45am. Thank you to those of you who are dropping your child off either at this time or shortly after. A number of children are arriving earlier than this. Please keep in mind that there is no supervision until 8:45am and children arriving at 8:30am will be enrolled in TheirCare to ensure their safety.  Second Hand Uniform:

Many thanks to Marnie Lewis who has done an outstanding job re-filling and sorting the uniform racks ready for access. The Second Hand Uniform stall is now re-opened! Due to the current restrictions, we ask you to adhere to the following procedures: ·         Sign in at the Admin Office (please take note of signage at desk outlining criteria for attendance) ·         Wear a mask (no other face coverings acceptable) and follow hygiene procedures, as is our 'norm' (e.g. hand sanitiser on entry and exit to inside spaces) ·         Practice social distancing  ·         Of course, please cancel your appointment should you display any COVID-19 Symptoms, as shared through the DHHS website.  *Don't forget to rename / relabel your uniform items before your child wears them to school! Thanks also to Viv Vlantis for her visit to lost property this week. For your information, Lost Property is located just outside the library (on the deck by the canteen). As it is located outside, you are welcome to access it when onsite for drop off/pick up should you need to hunt for missing items. Please ensure that social distancing etc. as per COVIDSafe precautions are followed.  Parent Opinion Survey - See Compass Post. Thanks to Benita who will resend again. Events to remember: Tomorrow (Friday): children invited to come in Halloween Costume and are asked to bring in a spoon (or any cutlery) to contribute to our Spooky Spoonville on Exon Street.  Many thanks to Narelle Vaughan for mowing the nature strip in preparation. Out virtual Halloween Disco begins at 6pm - see newsletter for details. Monday is a Curriculum Day - No school for students. Tigers had a big win on the weekend our beloved Ms Baldwin is very happy along with all our Tiger fans here at BBPS! Tuesday is Cup Day! Bev and Kim


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