Message From Bev and Kim
Fun Flying Kites
It has been a thrill to have our junior school back this week on staggered days, and we look forward to the pleasantly unexpected return of 5/6 tomorrow. According to the medical expertise the staggered return of our year levels enables all schools to reopen as safely as possible and enables our students to transition back to being in class groups.

Useful documents to support your understanding of the staggered return to school:
BBPS RoadMap v2
BBPS Parent Guide for the Return to School
We continue to be in awe of the resilience that our children show, their positive dispositions, their natural curiosities and we fully appreciate the learning and growth that has taken place while learning from home.
If a school has had a possible exposure to COVID-19, a standard process is followed to reduce the risk of any community transmission. Any community communication will be made via Compass during this time. Please see our DET closure process below for what steps might be followed, depending on the nature of the suspected / confirmed case.
For more information, go to DET information on school closure
How can you help keep our community safe?
Keep your child at home if they are unwell – see First Aid section of newsletter for more details.
Keep your time onsite to the absolute minimum of drop off and pick up only – consider using the Two Minute Zone to reduce close contacts during this time.
Notify the school if you, your child, or a family member, becomes a confirmed case. Further response steps as outlined by DET, will only be taken by the school if the confirmed case has been on school premises within 48hours prior to onset of symptoms.
Get vaccinated – see First Aid section of newsletter for more information.
Class Placement 2022 - see Policy section of newsletter for details about how we plan and organise classes each year.
Should you have a request for your child's class placement, please provide a written request to the Principal, outlining any educational requests you may have for your child. Requests must have an educational basis (academic, social and emotional needs). Written requests must be received by the end of October to be considered. Our teachers are well tuned into friendships, fantastic learning partners, and student combinations that work well - trust them to make informed decisions in regards to these things.
Early Morning