It’s hard to believe that we are at the start of Term 4, a term when our students focus on reflecting on their achievements for the year, teachers complete their assessments and for the reporting cycle and class communities begin to prepare for a transition up to the next Year level. We celebrate our Preps first year at school, farewell our outstanding Year 6 leaders and begin our formal transition program to welcome our 2022 preps. This term at BBPS we look forward to doing all these things, they just might look a little different.
Returning to Onsite - 3 Stages
You will have noticed from our BBPS Roadmap, that our return comes in three stages. Throughout each of these our teachers have identified a number of priorities to support a smooth transition to face to face teaching. Teachers are experts in gap identification, triaging learning priorities, managing multiple crises, recovery and management of a healthy learning state in their students – they have the skills to focus on what really matters. We thank you for the trust you place in us when you give us your best each and every day, virtually or in person.
For each stage, our learning priorities and focus are:
Stage 1: Learning from home continues
Week 1-2
Stage 2: Hybrid format – days at home and school
Wk 3-5
Stage 3: P-6 Return to school
Fri Nov 5
Wk 6 onwards
*Maximising lesson time
*Reconnecting with families
*Lay foundations and enthusiasm for term 4 curriculum focus
*Individual assessment
*Maximum time in classroom with students
*Re-establishing routines
*Social engagement
*Building stamina
*English and Maths learning focus
*Daily check ins, small groups and live lessons to continue
*Continued assessment
***Please note that during these weeks, the onsite program for students meeting the criteria of essential services or vulnerability will continue on the days these students are expected to be learning from home.
Academic and Wellbeing curriculum to be shared in future newsletter.
An update on Term 4 events, based on the current DET operational guidelines.
PA Meetings, Fridays @ 2:30pm: 15th of October (next Friday); 12th November (TBC if required, based on restrictions and shifting guidelines); 10th December- AGM. Please note currently ALL of these meetings will be held virtually.
School Council: 20th October, 24th November
Art Show has been postponed to Term 1, 2022. Grade 6 artworks will hopefully be able to be showcased as part of the Graduation celebrations.
World Teacher’s Day has been postponed a week to November 5th, the first day P-6 are back! Parent Reps to be in touch about this shortly.
Curriculum Day was originally November 1st – as this is now allocated as a day when Prep students will be at school, we have chosen to postpone this day to a later date, yet to be determined.
Currently no excursions or incursions permitted.
School Camps currently not permitted – Grade 3s and 4s will be offered a day-based alternative program later in the term if COVID operations allow. It was fantastic to see our grade 3s make the most of a virtual camp to end term 3.
Grade 6 camp, while not formally cancelled yet, the opportunity to travel interstate is increasingly doubtful. We will be in touch with Grade 6 families within the next two weeks to confirm.
Grade 2 Sleepover will not be taking place this year.
Graduation; Prep Transition – To be confirmed.

All the Time Learning
We attended the ACEL Conference in the last week of the holidays. Presenter Kristen Douglas from Headspace had much to say about healing and wellbeing.
She suggested that it was a time to Reflect, Rebalance, Recalibrate and to Reorient as we gradually come back together as a community.
She also reminded us to appreciate that the disruption caused by this pandemic is and will be impactful in many different ways. Indeed in the words of Brene Brown...
“This is a massive experiment in collective responsibility” .
Kristen uses images to provide a space for reflective mindfulness enabling space and time to connect with feelings and to slow down. We invite you to notice the images included throughout the newsletter. Please enjoy a moment to yourself.
Bev and Kim