Three Way Conferences
Thank you to all families who engaged in three-way conferences this week, a wonderful opportunity to share and celebrate learning this term through virtual conversation.
Parents, students and teachers enjoyed sharing reflections and work samples that demonstrated outstanding progress in learning, and candidly discussed surprises and life lessons learnt through the remote learning experience. Many thanks to our teachers (and you!) for supporting our students to feel empowered and celebrated in this process.
Congratulations to all our students who responded to a number of whole school initiatives that have taken place this term.
Year 5 Art Competition – well done to Lucy, Charlie and Danielle for their outstanding pieces
Whole School Poetry Competition – https://padlet.com/vgadea4/bqiljmy37qvujdrr - check out the shortlisted poets. Congratulations to all students who uploaded their writing or performances, and to the featured poets:
Prep – Sophie, Amelia, Penelope, Gracie, Jackson, Vivi and Vivi
Grade 1 – Jack, Tess, Nicholas, Liam, Gabriel and Aubrey
Grade 2 – Lachie, Charlotte, Victoria, Evan
Grade 3 – Oscar, Miles, Marlowe, Lizzie
Grade 4 – Ati, Daisy, Camille and Sophia
Grade 5 – Cooper, Chloe, Aaron, Sophie, Steffi and Charlie
Grade 6 – Jules, Keira, Catia and Felix
Black Dog Institute fundraiser: Mullets for Mental Health!
As promised, Mr T and Mr D will be cutting fresh mullets this Friday on the last day of Term 3. Mr T will be lowering the ears at around 10:30am in the Grade 5/6 Zoom.
Look out for Mr D in the Grade 3/4 Zooms and the Book Parade. For those who miss the 'Mullet-ings', we aim to post videos of the events in Week 1, Term 4 on the school website.
A huge thank you to all students who have taken up the challenge of learning their 2's-12's times tables and shout-outs to all our kind and generous donors supporting mental health - always a very worthy cause!
Thank you: Stella Herman, Kavitha Veeran, Lucy Kent, Josh Biddulph, Mary & Angelina V, Gabriel Gersun, Brent Robertson, Chloe & Lucy Trist, Will Hamson, Pieter and Mathias Beckers, Dan & Rosie M, Slade Caldwell, Felix, James & Sophie Carra, Oscar & Heidi W and also those anonymous legends!
To support the cause, check out our web page: https://www.teamblackdog.org.au/s/11271/11731
End of Term
A reminder, our Annual Book Character Parade will be taking place tomorrow at 12pm.
A-L Meeting ID 798 1015 4332 Password LIBRARY
M-Z Meeting ID 761 7259 0568 Password Y42YCp
Please note, school finishes at 2:30pm tomorrow, pick up for students attending onsite is 2:30pm – TheirCare is available should you need to access this service.
Not returning (or enrolling) in 2021: Thanks to families who have notified us already. If your child is not returning to Brighton Beach Primary School in 2021 can you please let Benita know via email at brighton.beach.ps@education.vic.gov.au
with “2021 Student not returning” in the subject line. This greatly assists us with our planning for next year.etc etc
Class Placement 2021 - Each year we invite parents to share particular concerns that may assist to inform class placements for next year. Should your child have particular learning needs that require consideration for class placement in 2021, please put these in writing and email brighton.beach.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au the office by October, 16th 2020 (Term 4, wk 2).
Parent ICT Safety Session with Aaron Boyd – first week back, Wednesday October 7th, Term 4
Facilitated by one of our expert parents, Aaron will address the challenges of cybersecurity from within the home, providing an opportunity for you to ask all your questions about setting up safety settings, and then will run step-by-step workshops so that you can set up your relevant platforms in real time.
6:30-7:30pm Information Session
7:30-8:30pm Mini workshops, specific to different platforms, designed for you to join and set up your settings with Aaron’s step by step support
More information via Compass at the start of term, please put this date in your diary – an extremely practical and timely parent session.
Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness - GEM.
We are so grateful too. We continue to receive emails and calls from lots of parents kindly expressing their gratitude and thanks to the BBPS Team. We also appreciate that our students are grateful too. See this message from Mia and the cookies from Anna.
To Miss May and Mrs Ancrum
Thank you for organising the whole school during lockdown. This lockdown has been so fun except for the bit that we’re not at school. You organised all the teachers and all the students, thank you very much.
from Mia Torbet
