Their positive attitude and ability to keep up with the challenges of COVID has been immense. A great big thank you for the weekly COVID updates and constant communications with parents, staff and students to keep us informed. The daily coffees and hot chocolates for on-site staff is the encouragement we all need, and the care package sent to all staff was brilliant idea.
Their willing ears listen to and respond to conversations with staff and students and many bright ideas have come from these conversations, ie Boogie Shoes & Awesome August. A big thank you to both of you!
Their positive attitude and ability to keep up with the challenges of COVID has been immense. A great big thank you for the weekly COVID updates and constant communications with parents, staff and students to keep us informed. The daily coffees and hot chocolates for on-site staff is the encouragement we all need, and the care package sent to all staff was brilliant idea.
Their willing ears listen to and respond to conversations with staff and students and many bright ideas have come from these conversations, ie Boogie Shoes & Awesome August. A big thank you to both of you!
Francesca and Cassie agree
“To Mrs May and Mrs Ancrum,
Thank you both for being so nice and always putting the school and students first.
Mrs May you continually look after the grounds and gardens and always stop to have a chat with us.
Mrs Ancrum, you check in on us every day and give us lots of encouragement.
You have both helped to make onsite learning so much fun.
You are the best. If you were not here our time at school would not be as much fun. We love you”
Francesca and Cassie
THANK YOU to all the essential and frontline workers for doing all you do to keep us safe. We wish you good health, as you tirelessly work to get us to the other side.
THANK YOU to all the staff working onsite at BBPS to ensure the children of these essential and frontline workers are included in the day to day learning activities with their classmates during their zooms meetings. Most of our on-site staff have children of their own going through the challenges of home learning so we can empathise with our BBPS families & community.
And it goes without saying…………………THE TEACHERS ARE STARS
Stay Safe and Soldier on
Message From Bev and Kim

We continue to be so impressed by our students resilience and ability to challenge themselves and be the best that they can be albeit from home. Be sure to check out our BBPS Life section of the newsletter for a sample of some of the outstanding learning taking place from home.
We truly believe that what we are doing in education in response to the pandemic is history making. Students will return to school with a new history that they will be making sense of. They are forging their own stories as we endure a time like no other.
Our Prep 2022 information night was held virtually last night and it was great to see so many families zoom into the session. It was wonderful to connect and share our plans for transition this year (in an Option A / B format, restrictions pending). Many thanks to Shanti Kirsty and Kate for supporting us to facilitate this event.
Shanti, as Maths Learning Specialist, shared our beliefs about teaching and learning at BBPS and reflected on the impressive nature of our teachers to constantly reflect on their practice and seek feedback to continually improve. Our teachers are highly skilled at what they do and bring a wide range of strengths to the virtual classroom each day. We thank them for their continued support of our students and families during this time. Thank you to our Prep families who treated our prep teachers this week with a gift of thanks. These acts of kindness go a long way in a time when we all feel disconnected.
Great work, Victoria! Victorian schools and students have cause for celebration this term. In the face of the considerable disruptions of the past year, we have recorded the nation’s highest NAPLAN results. This news reinforces the crucial role of high-quality teaching and learning – whether it be remote or face-to-face – in attaining positive student outcomes.
Individual school and student results are now available and have been sent out via mail this week. Parents of Year 3 and 5 students will receive their children's results. Remember that we believe EVERY child has worked to achieve their best.
Here are some suggestions which may be helpful.
If possible, open the envelope privately and digest before talking to your child.
Have a discussion with your spouse/partner to have a united parent focus before sharing with your child.
Choose an appropriate time, after remote learning is finished for the day.
Ensure a calm and supportive atmosphere and most importantly focus on and encourage the positives.
When there is an opportunity to discuss with teachers, they will be happy to clarify and comment on questions that you may have.
Above all encourage and show that you appreciate your child’s learning. This is a test that all students in Australia do in Years 3 and 5. It does not consider all the other assessments that are done. Your teacher knows your child’s learning best.
Naplan results support all schools in their efforts to seek continuous improvements.
2022 Enrolments for all 2022 siblings and Foundation
It’s that time of year when we need to know enrolments for 2022. The comings and goings are essential for us to provide for staffing arrangements which we are working on NOW. Please let us know your intentions ASAP.
All siblings must be enrolled for Prep next year. If you have not yet enrolled, please let the office know ASAP. We have many transition activities ready to engage our new students in coming up in this semester.
2022 Students leaving the school
If for any reason your child/children are not returning to BBPS can you please let us know also. Thank you for this information.
Assembly : Hang in there everyone!
Next Monday students are invited to join us for a school assembly to mark the final week of term.
A-L 9am; M-Z 1:00pm. Details will be shared through daily learning tasks Friday and via Compass.
A reminder to families of currently onsite, school finishes on Friday 17th September at 2:30pm.