ELLA and TEDDY – Dress Rehearsal BBPS 2022 School Musical Production
Last Friday the whole school did a run through of our 2022 musical production - The Adventures of Ella and Teddy.
If it goes that smoothly on the big night, strap yourselves in parents for a student led spectacular!
Ms Wickes was overcome with a major dose of proudness and Mrs May was beside herself with the sheer magnitude of the efforts of all our students. The first time in costume is always exciting and the variety of colourful scenes and the intricacies of the choreography bring the story/script, written by our talented Year Six writers to life. There are parts where the hairs literally stand up on the back of your neck! It is that good!
A whole school production is a team effort and Brody S and Harvey S have been outstanding in the ‘behind the scenes’ tech support department. We just hope the tech team at Monash are as good as they are. A number of the Year 6 team also support the various Year levels with their moves and their singing. Needless to say our younger students look up to our school leaders in awe, and are inspired to be their best selves.
Keep an eye out for all updates from Sally Wickes via Compass Posts for the latest for next Wednesday evening.
Super Stars
Over the holiday break some of our kids have told us of some of their highlights. We love to be able to share these in our newsletter.
Lewis in 1B starred in the half time Auskick game at Marvel Stadium – he kicked a goal!
Local Schools Updates
Local Victorian State Members for Southern Metropolitan Region Nina Taylor MP and Enver Erdogan MP featured Brighton Beach PS in their recent mail out flier along with several other local schools for the upgrades to facilities. The State Government allocated $264,405 to upgrade the outdoor multi-use areas at BBPS. This included the netball and basketball courts, to provide safe, multi-functional spaces for play, assemblies, events and sports for the school community. Completed at the end of Term 2, 2022, the children love the new playing surface and we are very grateful to City Living Property Services and Spaces Design Group for the efficient management and completion of these works. The school committed an additional $12,000 to complete the asphalt area from the double gate access to the CLC. As always, we acknowledge the commitment of our families and the voluntary contributions that enable us to meet this short fall.
Staffing Update
The team at Brighton Beach have continued to rally, maintaining as best as possible a ‘carry on’ resilience in the face of the current wave of illnesses that continue to be part of all our lives currently. All staff and our families continue to be vigilant to avoid transmission of the virus, but despite our best efforts cases are occurring.
We also have some team members on leave as they catch up with family overseas or attend events that have been rescheduled.
The next little while remains challenging and we sincerely thank our Relief Team members, Vanessa Gadea, Jo Bingham, Sue Curtis, Marnie Bignell and Matilda Van Vloten.
Upcoming Leave
Kim and Josh Ancrum will be taking their cancelled 2021 Long Service leave commencing 19 -29th July.
Bev May will be on medical leave for surgery and recovery, commencing 21st July to September 8th.
Megan Craig will be acting Principal until Kim returns on the 29th July. The Leadership Team of Kirsten Braun, Ryan Bolger and Shanti Treloar will support Megan in this role. Claire Paitaridis will be full time in 3CP during this time. Shanti is full time in Prep C while Alison Coutts is on LSL.
The Resilience Project - TRP Parent Session
Thanks to those parents who braved the cold to attend the parent information session presented by Leah Stevenson on Tuesday the 12th of July. Leah shared the data based on our students’ responses to the Resilience Youth Survey (See below).
The three big pillars that underpin this program are GEM. BBPS students continue to develop their skills in using this acronym
GRATITUDE – paying attention to what we have and not worrying about what we don’t have
EMPATHY – taking the perspective of others, feeling with them
MINDFULNESS - circle of control, being calm and present in the moment
We talk about mental health, we normalise it we learn from it and we strategise.
As Andrew Fuller said, ‘its okay to be anxious, as long as you then do something about it.’
As the adults, parents/teachers together, we are here for our kids, and we are here for ourselves - bringing a better version of ourselves to support all our efforts to guide our kids.
Emotional literacy guiding prompts to support positive conversations
Tell me three things that went well for you today
One thing you are looking forward to tomorrow
One kind thing you plan to do for someone else.
Sometimes our children don’t want us to solve their problems, they just want us to listen.
It could be helpful to check: ‘Did you want me to help or do you just want me to listen?’
Using the catastrophe scale can help children put their worry into perspective. Is this like being eaten by a shark, or being stung by a mosquito?
As a parent what can I do?
Model GEM
Explore TRP@home
Be vulnerable
Do a device check
Being your normal self might be ‘your magic’!
Daffodil Update
A big thankyou to our grade 3 daffodil carers who have been monitoring their growth over the last month. Take a look at the pictures below.
Brighton Community Cup
After two years in lockdown the Brighton Community Cup is on again!
The Brighton Community Cup is a football match between current parents/teachers of BBPS and Brighton Primary. Our Dreamers will take on Brighton’s Lions in the tenth showdown
Date: Saturday 20th August
Location Crowther Oval - Brighton Grammar School.
The Dreamers elite squad has been training hard over the past four months and includes 17 fresh faces who will be making their debut in the much anticipated Brighton Community Cup. We are expecting an exciting game but more importantly, the Cup returning home in 2022.
We also thank the retiring players who are no longer eligible to play but continue to support the community and the school.
With all proceeds going direct to the school, come on down to the Crowther oval to support the Dreamers and most importantly our school!
As we are all aware, the Victorian government’s current advice about wearing face masks in indoor settings, including at school is highly recommended. If you wish your child to wear a mask at school, and/or they themselves wish to wear a mask, we will ensure they are supported to do that. People over 8 years of age who are a close contact must still wear a mask indoors unless an exception applies.
An article by Gail McHardy who is the executive Officer of Parents Victoria, uses the slogan “Mask up - it can’t hurt!” and suggests that it is important for school communities to focus on taking a “we” approach rather than a “me” approach to helping protect the students, staff and our wider community as much as possible.
With our whole school production coming up, we highly recommend students, staff and families wear masks during the lead-up and on the big night as it will be such a large indoor gathering.
For more information about face mask requirements, visit the Coronavirus website - https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/face-masks