Welcome back, in this uncertain time, and thank you for responding to our changing operations as we respond to state-wide announcements.
Last term in our final assembly we had the pleasure of celebrating our brilliant Spelling Bee Champions. See the certificate acknowledgement in the Curriculum Section and congratulations to all of our Year Level winners. Well done to the Year Six Academic Captains, Pieter, Louis, Steffi and Sanjhanaa who coordinated the competition.
Our first week back has been a great opportunity to lay the foundations for what is shaping up to be a great term. Some events to have on your radar for term 3 are:

NAIDOC Week celebrations (we have nominated week 4 to honour the events that took place over the school holidays)
AWESOME AUGUST IS COMING. We'll be getting active and joining forces with 2 other schools in one big, exciting new initiative. More details further down thanks to Jane at Hampton PS..
Book Week and Book Parade (August 24).
Athletics Carnival 3-6 and Kaboom Sports P-2 Carnival (August 25)
Art Show (and possibly open classrooms, COVID pending) (week of August 30) – keep an eye out in the newsletter of how you can be involved in this event.
P-2 Swimming (last two weeks of term, COVID pending)
Grade 3 Camp (Wed 15-Fri 17 September)
This week …
Walk-a-thon: Thank you again to everyone for your involvement in our Walk-a-thon at the end of last term. Please continue to send in your child’s sponsorship money, due by Friday 30th July. The sponsorship of our kids and their efforts is AWESOME!
Girl’s Footy Tournament: Congrats to the team of 5/6 students who competed in the District AFL Tournament today. We were undefeated all day until the last 57 seconds.

Grade 6 workshops: Our grade 6 leaders resumed facilitating a range of learning workshops across the school. These range from gardening to designing and making, cooking and sport and will take place on a Friday afternoon for the next three weeks.
Moving forward …
Based on the latest restrictions, staff are back to wearing masks inside and are not required to wear them when teaching. For parents/guardians, masks continue to need to be worn if you come inside / enter the Administration Office.
Should any further restrictions be announced in the coming days, the team at BBPS feel well prepared to roll-out our Learning From Home program so that momentum is not lost following our first week of learning. Fingers crossed we don’t need our plans.
Stay safe and well,
Bev and Kim