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Term 2 Week 8

As our final newsletter for the term, its amazing to think we are approaching school holidays already. Well done to all teachers and students for a jam-packed term focussed on deeper learning.

Grade 5/6 Girl's Footy

Well done to the team (see our cover photo), who came third overall in this interschool competition, which took place last week. Highlights from the team included winning two games, being taught how to tackle by Mr A and Ati (Sophia), enjoying tackling and kicking during play (Charlotte), learning how to play footy for the very first time rather than just watching it on tv (Isabella).

Family Life

We had a well-attended Three Four Hub Family Life information session on Wednesday 1st of June which explored topics including Families & Friends, Similarities and differences, Acknowledging changes, Feelings, Bodies, Similarities and differences, Privacy & Safety, Foetal development & birth. Our Year Five and Six students have now completed their Family Life Program.

Illness and Clothing

Staff and student illness continue to impact schools state-wide and BBPS is no different. Thank you for keeping your children at home when they are unwell. Please see the First Aid section of this newsletter for useful information about how you can help your family stay healthy this winter season.

Please encourage your child to wear appropriate clothing to school. Many students are needing encouragement to wear long pants and jumpers – these are crucial in ensuring that illness is kept at a minimum.

Parent Thanks

Thanks to our parent volunteers, as part of the Parent Association, as parent helpers in the classroom and the Grade 6 Graduation organisation committee - a lot of great initiatives taking place behind the scenes, including our successful Toastie fundraiser.

Please continue to collect your used clothes and be prepared to send them into school next week in support of our student-led sustainability drive - details in tomorrow's Comms.

What’s Coming Up at BBPS?

  • The Three Four Hub is off to the Melbourne Zoo on Tuesday the 21st of June to further explore our Native Australian Animals and how we can help protect them and their environments. Let’s hope the weather is on our side, please pack a rain jacket and ensure students are dressed appropriately for this current Melbourne weather we are experiencing.

  • Three Way Conferences Grade 1-6 go live tomorrow, so please jump onto Compass and book in a time. Three Way Conferences have been moved to week 1 of Term 3 due to the short term and quick turn around of semester 1 reports. For those new to Three Way Conferences, this is an opportunity for you to meet with your class teacher to discuss your child’s progress. At BBPS we value student voice and place the student at the centre of what we do, as such, our students are involved in this conference as an opportunity to share their learning and gain feedback on their learning goals. Prep will be holding their Three Way Conferences this week and next week so please contact your child's teacher if you have not booked in already.

  • Production is well underway and all BBPS students have been busy rehearsing their lines, songs and dance moves in preparation for our upcoming production in week 3 of Term 3 (Wed July 27th). This year we are asking families to source their own costumes, classroom teachers will communicate what is required for each year level. The holiday might be a good opportunity to get organised. Tickets should go on sale next week, keep an eye out on Compass.

  • Semester 1 reports will go live on Thursday 23rd June, so please use Compass to view your child's report and celebrate their growth and success so far this year.

  • There will be another opportunity for current BBPS families to attend a school tour on Thursday 23rd at 9:15am. Based on the success of our school tours from our fabulous ‘Education Week’ we have decided to make these a regular offering. Please register with the Administration Office to reserve your place!

  • Early finish on Friday 25th June at 2.30pm

“Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life." Lord Byron


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