Schools are such busy ecosystems, each section doing and contributing its part. There has been much to celebrate this past two weeks at BBPS, with many exciting learning opportunities and events to come. Please put Education Week in your diaries and help us explore the theme of 'Connectedness'. Take the opportunity to visit our learning spaces in action, to attend a school tour and for our seniors a film event from our Respectful Relationships program.
ANZAC DAY – Hampton RSL Schools Service: Well done to our Grade 6 leaders who attended this ceremony along with Bev May and Glyn Higginson, representing our school with pride. Many thanks to Glynn for helping transport the students. This was a moving service with schools in attendance presenting picture books or wreaths.
Grade 4 continued the commemoration with the outstanding facilitation of our school’s Anzac Ceremony on Monday, April 26. Students shared their connections and learnings about symbols and images used to represent the ANZACs.
3-6 CROSS COUNTRY – Well done to all competitors and a huge thank you to the parents who volunteered their time, despite the weather, to support the event. The top twelve placed runners go through to the next stage, Districts, being held May 26. Details will be communicated via Compass Events. Congratulations to Dendy House, the winning team for the first time in a long time.
JULIE SHEPHERD – Thanks to Julie, our literacy consultant, for facilitating a great parent session about supporting students to read and write. We discussed the importance of building a love of reading at home, and further shared some of the strategies used in the classroom to support students to make meaning from text. See the Curriculum Section of our newsletter this week for some strategies shared.
To be a parent helper in the classroom, parents must complete our Parent Helper session. The second of these will take place next Friday, 14th May. 9-10am in the CLC. BYO Coffee.
SRC – Congratulations to all 2021 representatives who received their badges (finally!) at this week’s assembly. Many thanks must go to former SRC Coordinators, Ruby Johns (2020) and Maddie Kwok (2019), who presented the badges and shared their reflections about their time as leaders at BBPS. We are always thrilled to see former students, and continue to be impressed as they mature into young adults.
The SRC have been busy this week, participating in a session with Antony Keeley from The Resilience Project. Students looked at whole school wellbeing data and developed an action plan in response to our students’ responses. The SRC will be sharing their project at Monday’s Assembly (10th May), held via Zoom. Data from the Resilience Youth Survey, completed by grades 4-6 in March, will be shared in our next newsletter.
Attitudes to School Survey – throughout the week students in Grades 4-6 will complete this DET Survey, which provides schools with further insight into areas such as learner confidence, student engagement, student agency, and this year in response to COVID-19 experiences, psychological safety.
NAPLAN: Over the next two weeks Grades 3 & 5 will be completing their NAPLAN assessments, as identified on the Compass Calendar. Grade 3 students will be assessed in the morning session; Grade 5 in the middle session. We wish them all the best and thank the Grade 3 and 5 teachers for their focus in ensuring our students feel prepared and confident. All tests, except Grade 3 Writing, will be conducted online.
MOTHER’S DAY – A big thank you to the Grade 1 Parents, under the guise of the Parent Association, for the facilitation of our Mother’s Day Stall today. And we hope all those attending tomorrow’s Mother’s Day Lunch have a wonderful time.
We wish all our BBPS mothers, aunties, grandmas, dads who are mums, carers and friends a wonderful Mother’s Day on Sunday.