What’s been happening across the school?
This week’s Parent Expo was a great insight into what we do each day in the classroom and how you can support our program at home – a huge thank you a
nd congratulations to our teaching team for showcasing their expertise this week in the high calibre of optional workshops. We thank you for the hard work and behind the scenes organisation that went into each session. We will be sharing the key content commencing 18th March from each session in our new section of the newsletter under the Curriculum Tab.
School Council 2021
We are pleased to confirm the BBPS School Council positions have been filled and we sincerely thank those parents and teachers who have nominated to take up this important role.
We heartily welcome two newcomers to council this year: Candice McGowan ( Jade Yr 2) and Basil Tambanis ( Jack Yr 2).
We are also very grateful for the re-nominations for a further two years of David Capps (Sophia Yr 3, Joshua Yr 2), Helen Tiver (Warwick Yr 3) and Violetta Wuiske ( Oscar Yr 4, Heide Yr1). The team of eight parent reps also includes Sharon Andrew (Natasha Yr 4, Nick Yr 2), Marnie Lewis Downing ( Hugo Yr 2) and Emma Liley ( Ati Yr 5, Ethan Yr 3) who move into the second year of their term.
The new staff reps are Ryan Bolger and Megan Craig, and Kim Ancrum has also re-nominated. We meet for the first time as the new School Council on Wednesday March 17th and thank and acknowledge the contributions of our outgoing members at this time.
Don’t forget to check out the ‘BBPS Life’ section of our newsletter each week to see what learning has been taking place in each year level across the school.
Swimming: Congratulations to our District Swimming Team who competed last week and represented our school proudly. Please see our grade 6 leaders report on the day.
Swimming report - By Will and Ash
If you didn’t know two Fridays ago the swimming carnival happened.
Everyone did amazing, and to all who participated, great job.
The results were: Grainger 4. Dendy 3. And… the final two teams had a margin of three points. And the winner was Gordon with Wilson coming second.
Thank you to everyone that came, students, teachers especially Mr A and Parents for helping out.
Congratulations to everyone who made it to districts.
Swimming photos from the Grade 4-6 school carnival can now be accessed via Whole School Sharing folder
Again, a big thank you to Kate Jenkins for taking all these wonderful shots!
More sport congratulations to Ariel Friedrich, who has been successful in making the State Championships for Little Athletics in the 400m. Following his second place at a Regional level, Ariel will represent his team and we wish him every success. His advice to other aspiring athletes? “I’m feeling excited and nervous. Just remember to breath hard and move your arms”.
Grade 6 Leaders: Our leaders were cele
brated in a two part assembly series that included a class share last week where our students shared their aspirations for their roles this year. This week we were thrilled to invite our grade 6 parents onsite to hold an outdoor badge ceremony and we thank Tim Wilson, our Federal Member for Goldstein for being part of this special occasion. We are getting use to having outdoor assemblies in the beautiful, attractive, setting on Exon under the Chinese elm.
Again we thank Kate Jenkins for taking on the role of photographer and we look forward to featuring the photos in the next newsletter. See below for the roles that our Year 6 leaders will be performing this year.
Harper H: “The assembly was all about leadership and now we have our badge showing our specific roles”
Belis “It was really nice having a special ceremony to honour our roles”
Julie “All the guest speaker were very inspiring”
Gab “I’m looking forward to helping our school and community through our leadership roles”
Slade “To be a leader you need to be inclusive”
Our SRC representatives will receive th
eir badges the first day of term 2.
School Captain Hamish Chloe
SRC Secretary Aaron Danielle
SRC Reps Fraser
House Captains/Vice Captains Miller Mary Ash Ava Charlie H Maddi Milly Sophie
Media Captains Georgia Gabriel Ivy Leni
ICT Captains Kayden Alvin
Coding Liam Arthur
Performing Arts Alexey Millie B
STEAM Captains Deveron Josh Nicholas K Felix
Visual Arts Captains Lucy Alice Nicholas R Lily
Community Captains Harper S Julie
Academic Captains Pieter Louis Steffi Sanjanaa
Student Agency Katherine Harper H
Environmental Captains Chrystal Ollie O
Gardening Captains Mac Henry Demi Matilda
Library Captains Kemin Maya
Cultural Captains Maria Matt
2021 Incursion / Excursions
This year, payment of excursions looks a little different.
In the weeks prior to an excursion or incursion taking place, a request for permission and payment will be made via Compass, as each event is confirmed. These events are an optional extra and are provided on auser pay basis, therefore students will attend these events upon receipt of permission and payment.
As supported by School Council, we are requesting payment for each excursion as we go throughout the year, compared to previous years where you have been asked to pay a lump sum as part of the Parent Payment Contributions. We are charging by the event this year as a precaution in order to avoid potential cancellation and refund procedures that were required last year as a result of COVID-19. Our hope would be that this process will only be for 2021 in order to provide time for DET procedures and guidelines to stabilise in regards to COVIDSafe practices for school settings. We thank you in advance for your understanding and flexibility as we adjust to this new system ourselves.