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Swimming Sports and much more

Well done again everyone on a fantastic Grade 3-6 swimming carnival last week BBPS. Our Wilson captains could not have summed up the day better in their winning house acceptance speech:


Everleigh: Hi, we are the Wilson House Captains, Bella, Everleigh and Izaiah. 3-6 competed in the school swimming carnival last Friday, and Wilson was the winning house. We would like to thank all the teachers and parents who helped the day be as great as it was.

Bella: We would also like to thank everyone that competed and did so well, and Wilson, we couldn't have done it without you all.

Izaiah: Special thank you to Mr Ancrum for his organisation of this event. Congratulations everyone, you did amazing and well done to the parents for winning the relay!

All: Go Wilson!


An insight into our brilliant Art specialist program


Thank you also to our outstanding teachers for their facilitation of our information nights held this week, your enthusiasm and passion for our children shone through. It was a fantastic turnout, thank you for attending and partnering with us. Should you need any further information about our curriculum program, please feel free to make a time to meet with your classroom teacher. Additionally, our 2025 curriculum books, as previously shared via Compass, details our grade specific and specialist programs for 2025, and are now available under the Community tab in Compass.


School Council

The 2024 school council met for a final time this month. We thank David Capps for his role as School Council President again in 2024. He has been a fantastic support within our community. We cannot thank you enough.

We farewell a number of outgoing members and thank Emily Ratnagobal, Marg Villela (and Emma Liley and Helen Tiver, already farewelled last year) for their time on council and the contributions they have made. 


School Council 2025 elections are now open, please speak to Bev or Kim if you would like further information and consider joining this fantastic team. Nominations close March 7.


Updates from School Council:

  • Buildings and Grounds: a number of major projects have been completed over the school holidays. These include the internal classrooms in the main building are finally complete - and look fabulous (and leak free!); soap dispensers were replaced in all bathrooms and minor repairs completed, such as locks replaced; external lights fixed; general garden maintenance; air-conditioners serviced (luckily, in time for the heat wave!); and new blinds installed in the Performing Arts room. 

  • Marketing and Publicity: our local kindergartens have been invited to a private tour of BBPS in preparation for prep 2026 and 2027. 

We value our community’s passion for our school, and invite all members to complete this two minute survey, thank you in advance:

  • Finance: School Council thank our community, and especially Sue and Benita in the office, for navigating the complexities of the School Saving Bonus. We are encouraged by the number of people who are accessing and allocating these funds.

  • Education: The 2025 Annual Implementation Plan was presented and endorsed by School Council. This document outlines our whole school areas of focus in both learning and wellbeing. We look forward to sharing our progress in these areas throughout the year with you all.

Below is a visual representation of our AIP:



Staffing Update: We are excited to announce an innovative co-principal partnership at BBPS for 2025. Congratulations to Kim Ancrum, who has been appointed to the role of Principal, sharing this role with Bev. Bev was successful in gaining the flexible working arrangemetns for Principal Class positions, an initiative that commenced in the Department of Education in 2024. BBPS now have two principals! Bev will be at school three days a week, and Kim is still here all week (officially Principal Thursday - Friday).


School Clean Up Day on Sunday March 2nd  coincides with Clean Up Australia Day, let's get some Brighton Beach Primary students involved. We encourage our families to come along - the kids really enjoy it. It’s a great way to introduce our children to volunteering and supporting their local environment by collecting and counting plastics, bottles, cans etc. 


Annual privacy reminder for our school community

Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice. Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy here, describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn. We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use Google Drive and other ICT platforms safely at the school through our Digital Learning Policy.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using devices at school, please speak to your classroom teacher. 


For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ privacy policy: information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:•    Amharic•    Arabic•    Chinese•    Dari•    Gujarati•    Mandarin•    Somali•    Sudanese•    Turkish•    Urdu•    Vietnamese


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