What a fantastic term 3 it has been, with numerous opportunities for connection and engagement across our community. Thank you to our teachers for their ongoing commitment to their students and to the many members of our parent community who have contributed this term.
Thank you to Jenny, Terr-Anne and the volunteers for their amazing assistance at our end of term sausage sizzle .

Spelling Bee winners – well done to all students, especially those who won the final round for their year level:
Prep: Amy
Grade one: Lewis
Grade two Mee-Joo
Grade three Ryan
Grade four Taleen
Grade five Lachlan
Grade six Harvey

Market Day was a huge success – students loved engaging in the different activities planned by our senior students. A worthwhile entrepreneurship venture that raised $908.70. All money will be donated to the Cancer Council and Monash Children's Hospital. Go to BBPS Life for student reflections on the day.
We always appreciate receiving positive feedback for what we do at BBPS, a huge congratulations to our Grade 4-6 District Athletics Team who finished up recipients of the Aggregate Shield. A fine effort by all.
Dear Josh, Kylie and Ryan
When does a Primary School District Athletics Event ever run on time, much less ahead of schedule?! Only when the A-Team is involved!!
So, well done A-Team. Fantastic organisation yesterday. Kids were all so happy to be there participating and winning some ribbons. Ryan, magnificent job doing the finish line as that can be exhausting by the end of the day. The kids were grateful to see a familiar face when they crossed the line. Kylie, magnificent effort keeping the kids "off the track" and BBPS kids were the best behaved school kids at the venue on the day.
Josh, well done. The kids all knew what they had to do, and were pretty switched on. Some of your kids did really well in the events so the school should be super proud. I mentioned yesterday to you, but I have to reiterate, what a difference it makes having some teachers in the field who are superb at using this event as an opportunity to show the participants extra tips on the events, what the rules are, explaining some of the techniques, and ensuring they are all safely lined up and aware of exactly what the event calls for.
Well done, and a massive thank you for your efforts. So well done.
School Council News
Initial NAPLAN results were shared and School Council acknowledged the ongoing achievements of our Grade 3 and 5 cohorts, a particular celebration as a marker of continued growth and success despite the disrupted learning program of 2020 and 2021.

Thank you to all our families who joined the Working Bee on Sunday, and a special thank you to Marnie Lewis and Julie Dal Santo for their organising efforts in partnership with Shane. A fantastic effort, with wonderful results:

Parent Association News
Thanks again to Terri-Anne and the Father’s Day Breakfast organising team - special mentions to Sports Star Academy, Fresh Connection Brighton and Bakers Delight Hampton for their contributions to the event. Huge congrats to our lolly jar winners Clancy PW; Pia 1F and Sasha 4B. The event, along with the Father’s Day Stall, were a huge success. Thank you!
World Teachers Day 5th October 2022: To celebrate World Teacher's Day, the PA
organise a Morning Tea for our teachers as a way to thank them for their dedication and support.
World Teacher’s Day is the first Wednesday back next term. We ask parents to please contribute either something sweet or savoury towards the morning tea. Please no nuts. Food contributions, can be dropped off in the staff room by 10 am on the day.
Staffing Term 4
We wish Ryan Bolger all the best as he goes on some much deserved Long Service Leave for the remainder of 2022. We welcome Marnie Bignell to the BBPS team. Marnie has worked closely with 4B earlier in the year, and as a CRT across our school. The 3-4 Hub are excited to be able to welcome her back. Marnie sourced all the plants for the National Tree Planting Day
Calendar Dates
Don’t forget, school finishes tomorrow at 2:30pm. We return on Monday, 3rd October.
Wednesday, 5th October P-2 will be enjoying Junior Kaboom Sports (postponed from earlier this term)
Friday, 7th October is Division Athletics – Compass note out soon with details – students to attend through private transport.
Friday, 14th October Parent Association Meeting at 2:30pm
As previously shared via the newsletter, also for your diary …
Final Day of term 4 is Friday, 16th December. 19th & 20th December are student-free days. TheirCare will be providing a program for these days.
2023 Enrolment: If your child is not returning in 2023, please email the administration office by the end of this term brightonbeachps@education.vic.gov.au
2022 Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey
Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents/caregivers/guardians think of our school. The DET Opinion Survey is an annual survey designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement. We encourage all families to participate in this survey. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey closes on Friday 16th September (tomorrow). Results of this survey are shared via the school's annual report which is uploaded to our website.
Wishing you all a wonderful, healthy and safe break.