Girls Little Opals Saints Competition: A huge congratulations to our Grade 5/6 Girls AFL team, premiership winners, and thanks to Mr Ancrum, Mr Coulston and supporting parents.
“Everyone played really well and it was good to see all the different schools get together. I’m proud that our team worked really well together, and we were overall winners after winning 7/8 games” Milla. Congratulations to Mimi on an amazing accuracy rate of thirty goals.

Athletics: A further congratulations to our competing Regional Athletics students - Vivi, Mimi, Josh, Lucy - on their outstanding efforts. All the best to Josh and Vivi, competing at State next week.
Vivi placed 2nd in 200m and 2nd in 800 metres.

Congratulations to our merit award recipients this week. It is so lovely to see so many parents joining us at assembly to honour these students.

Principal for the Day: Well done to Billy and Ned, who did an outstanding job this week as ‘Principals for the day’. A big thank you to the Leaf family for their generous bidding for this sought after prize at this year's Parent Night, earlier in the year. Billy and Ned had a busy day visiting students, writing newsletter items and delivering the Principal’s Report at assembly.
“Today we learnt that principals do lots of jobs, like school tours, we ask students what you are learning about, we go in the playground and check if people are playing nicely, sometimes we help with problems, and we meet with grade 6s to organise assemblies. Principals also have to clean the toilets, sweep the floors and pick up rubbish to make the school look clean. Sometimes we even get to eat chocolate and have a hot chocolate in the staffroom!” Billy and Ned

Halloween Disco was an outstanding success.
See BBPS Life for so many great images capturing the fun of the night, and a special report from our Halloween expert from grade 6, Louis. Grouping students as P-3 revealed the outstanding leadership qualities of our grade 3 students; and allowed for focussed supervision of our grade 4-6 cohort who demonstrated our school values admirably. A big thank you to all our volunteers, in particular the organising committee of grade 5!
Congratulations to our class mural competition winners Grade 6 and Grade 3C – these winning classes will receive a pizza party in the coming weeks.

Thank you teachers: Teachers were spoilt this week in honour of World Teacher’s Day, Friday 25 October. Thoughtful student-centred gifts and a decadent morning tea and lunch honoured the hard work of all our educators, and the dedication and passion of our team as they inspire our students to grow into themselves. We are truly grateful for the way our teachers go above and beyond every day – thank you to our community, for also showing your appreciation, making our teachers feel so special!

School Council met last week:
Buildings and Grounds – check out our current building works and the original features, including an open fire places. Roofing and box guttering is now complete and focus shifts to internal refurbishment, predominantly replacing the dado and skirting boards, painting and carpet. Maintenance gardening work this month has included installation of garden edging and repaving.
Finance – School Council are in the process of confirming the logistical details surrounding the School Start Bonus – families will receive an email confirmation for cost allocation to the school – more details to come; 2025 school book lists are currently being finalised and will be shared with families by mid-November.
Grade 2 sleepover was approved, to take place Friday 15th November.

Next week …
Pupil Free Day – Monday 4th November: Don’t forget it is a whole school Staff Professional Practice Day – teachers will be focussed on student assessment and reporting. No students to attend. TheirCare is operating.
Melbourne Cup – Tuesday 5th November
Grade 4-6 Bike Education begins – Wednesday 6th November, check Compass for details

Next time you are at school, check out the amazing art created by our fabulous grade 5 and 6 students. Display in front entrance. Here is a small sample:
