Parent Expo Evenings
Many thanks to all families who have joined us this week, virtually and in the Prep Wing in person, for our annual information nights (or Parent Expo as we call it). A big thank you to our teachers for the behind-the-scenes work that goes into preparing for a session such as this.
In case you missed it, curriculum books can be found at CURRICULUM BOOKLETS 2022
Congratulations to our Prep students who are enjoying their first full week of Prep! Each day as their knowledge of routines and expectations for learning develops, they become more confident. Their sense of belonging grows as their individual personalities and dispositions start to emerge along with an awareness of and for others. No doubt parents are grappling with the tiredness factor at home. The long weekend is a handy circuit breaker.
Year 6 - Leadership
It was wonderful to celebrate our Grade 6 Leaders this week, who were presented with their leadership badges on Monday to an audience of senior students 3-6 and grade 6 parents. Our students were reminded that at BBPS we are all leaders, and that we don’t need an official title to embrace the opportunities to support each other. The featured musical performances by sister and brother Bella (3S) and Will (2G) on keyboard and guitar
Our Student Representative Council (SRC) had their first meeting this week and have their eyes set on helping our school to acknowledge ‘Bullying, No Way’ Day next Friday, 18th March.
SRC Badge Ceremony will take place in week 9, March 28th. All parents of 2022 SRC Members are welcome to attend.
PA Meeting TOMORROW (Friday, 11th at 9am)
Don’t forget to join us in our NEW LIBRARY tomorrow at 9am, all PA members, Class Representatives and interested community members welcome. BYO Coffee, and please be prepared to show your proof of vaccination at the commencement of the meeting.
Students have this week enjoyed the opportunity to go into the library at lunch time, Tues - Thurs.
District Swimming
Congratulations to all our students who competed last week in the District Swimming Carnival.
A special mention to the following students who will be competing at the next level of competition:
Mimi and Xavi in butterfly
9/10 girls freestyle relay: Mimi, Tilly, Charlotte, Madi.
A fantastic achievement.

Emergency Drills
Each term our school engages in an Emergency Evacuation drill to review processes and to support staff and students to feel confident. This week students practiced a lockdown – a drill that calls for students and staff to stay inside, under tables, with doors locked. Well done to everyone for their calm approach to this practice session.
Other drills throughout the year involve evacuation to our emergency meeting spot on Windermere oval, as well as rehearsal of evacuation off-site. In a real off-site evacuation, staff would lead students to Whyte Street or St Leonards Church Hall, depending on the nature of the evacuation.
With any real emergency situation, our priority first and foremost is the safety of our students and staff. Parents will be notified via Compass should an emergency situation arise.
Mulch moving team

What’s coming up next week?
Monday 14th March is a public holiday.
Tuesday, 15th March join Grade 5/6 for their annual information night
Wednesday, 16th March – Kaboom Sports Carnival – as part of our annual Friendship Lunch cycle, students will be participating in a multi-age carnival session. No cost required.
Prep and Grade 1 will join our Grade 5 and 6 as an opportunity to connect with new buddies, and reconnect with old.
Grade 2, 3 and 4 will participate together to build connections and support positive relationships in the playground as these three grades share the same playground space.
Friday, 18th March - 5/6 Interschool Sport, double header.