In the Year of the Tiger, we welcome all new families to BBPS and thank you all for an extremely smooth start.
A special welcome to our new staff members, Will Crossland (5C), Itai Gororo (2G); Maddison Rolfe (2R); and Eleanor Savage (PS).
Meet and Greets Grades 1-6:
Don’t forget to sign up for an opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher next week. Times are now available via Compass Conferences.
Preps have the opportunity to meet their class teacher 1:1 during Wednesday’s assessment days – sign up for this is also via Compass Conferences.
Curriculum priorities at BBPS
At this time of year, teachers are focused on working in partnership with students to create a positive classroom community. Building relationships and connections through 'getting to know you' activities and setting up routines for learning, the children have the opportunity to work with students across their grade/cohort, exploring what caring for one another looks like, and why learning together is fun. The school 5R values are also part of becoming an effective reader, writer and mathematician, including what 'a growth mindset' is all about.

Cross curricular priorities in the areas of sustainability, First People’s History, and Australia’s connection to Asia are integrated into the learning program, with teachers and students exploring concepts they are passionate about, working towards our school’s purpose statement:
Building Better Pathways to Success – a community learning globally.
As part of our Curriculum Days, teachers had the opportunity to unpack what learning globally means (see pictures above), and will be seeking our students’ thoughts as they determine their future learning focus areas.

As environmental captains, Mitch and I have some fun ideas. Our ideas are as big and beautiful as the sunflowers.
For semester one, students will have the opportunity to participate in extended weekly sessions of Performing Arts, Physical Education and Visual Arts. This supports our community in preparation for our 2022 Production (Term 3) and Department priorities to support students to have an active, healthy lifestyle (especially following two years of lockdowns). Due to staffing unavailability the Japanese language program will resume in semester two this year. Esther Yamada, our Japanese Teacher is now remaining in Japan.
Parents/Carers will have an opportunity to learn more about what learning is taking place within the classroom at our annual Parent Expo, currently planned for week 6, TBC DET Covid Operations pending. During this session, Preps will hold a curriculum night, Grade 3/4 will hold a 1:1 iPad program information session, and parents will have the opportunity to engage in sessions linked to Mathematics and English. Watch this space.
RATs: Your child’s next pack of Rapid Antigen Tests will be placed directly into your child’s bag this week.
P-2 will have received their RATs today (Thursday)
3-6 will receive their RATs tomorrow (Friday)
BBPS Isolation Learning Program
We again thank our families for your vigilance when it comes to isolating for seven days.
Please remember to:
Notify the school via the school email or phone. This includes if your isolation dates are extended due to new positive cases within your home. Please keep us informed.
If your child is isolating as a close contact, test your child on Day 6. Negative results do not need to be shared with the school.
If your child is isolating because they have tested positive for COVID, they may return to school after day 7, no test required.
Our learning program for those at home fit and able to continue learning can be found at BBPS Whole School Sharing Isolation Program folder. We recommend students are supported to complete activities daily, and work through the program at a pace that suits your child and family circumstances.
See below for details re each grade’s Isolation Learning Program:
Prep/Grade 1 Currently available on request to class teacher
Grade 2 Grade 2 Isolation program grid
Grade 3/4 3/4 Hub isolation program folder
Grade 5/6 Work will be provided via the Google Classroom platform. Students know how to log in and navigate Classrooms. Opportunities to join in virtually will be offered as appropriate.