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Bike Ed and Cross Country and Prep 2024

Enrolments Prep 2024 Now Open - School tours are in full swing.

The students at all levels enjoy sharing their knowledge of the school with prospective parents and newcomers to Australia. Enrolment forms are on line and after this upgrade by the Education Department all schools are now taking enrolments for 2024. Those families with younger siblings due to start are invited to complete enrolment forms.

Being Education Week -Active Learners, Move, Make, Motivate new families and families with 2024 Prep students are visiting all week as we showcase our classroom learning spaces and the exceptional outdoor re-surfaced play spaces.

Bike Ed - IS BACK at BBPS

It is with great to see the school yard filled with children on bikes doing drills and maneuvers, safety checks and precision riding in preparation for the rides along Beach Road to St Kilda and Port Melbourne. It is an additional expense to run a Bike Education Program run in schools. It requires teachers to be qualified instructors and to commit resources to enable this training to occur. We appreciate the efforts of Josh Ancrum, Anna Remfry and Kirsten Braun for all that they do to coordinate this program.

We are also really grateful to all the teachers who encourage and support those students who have not ridden bikes before to over come their fears, their nervousness to have a go and to achieve great success by the end of the course.

A modified ride was introduced this year to enable our first time riders to feel safe and to test and use their new skills and be very proud of their achievements.

Despite some fearful tears and some nervous reluctance these students together with their very supportive teachers, education support staff and parent helpers celebrated the total joy of being set free on a two-wheeler bike!

Congratulations to the Dendy Dragons (Red House). Despite the inclement weather conditions and with many thanks to the early morning set up team of Josh Ancrum, Sally Wickes and Mark Coulston, our intrepid students along with their teachers braved the conditions to compete in the annual Brighton Beach PS Cross Country Run.

There were many noteable performances. The enthusiastic encouraging and cheering for all competitors warmed everyone's hearts as runners valiantly willed themselves over the line. We would like to thank the education support staff and all the parents who assisted and supported our students on Tuesday.

Comments from some of our Year five girls highlight how a little bit of training and preparation prior to the day of the cross country can pay off, and how such an event can be motivation in itself for aiming to improve and do better next year.

I trained with my mum. I had a positive attitude. We did about three kms ever second day. My dad bribed me. It worked because I came first. Chloe

Red faces and sweating. Dad and I mapped out a run in our neighbourhood. I used my Garmin to track my progress. Sophia

Setting personal goals helped. I wanted to come in the top 5 and surprise surprise I came third. My improvement in the Beep Test boosted my confidence. Olivia

I was so annoyed, I was not feeling myself on the day. I did not do any training but that is my goal for next year. Harper

Same thing. I did not train but I knew I had the capability, so I pushed myself to my limit. I was super proud of myself and am really proud that I have made it into districts. Asher

I ran in my age group and I am really pleased that I tried and I finished. Wynter

We wish all our qualifiers all the very best as they ready themselves to compete at the Beachside District Cross Country next week.


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