Our school continues to buzz with excitement and focus as students engage online with our learning program. All we can say is keep it up – you are doing an outstanding job and we continue to be in awe of the effort and quality of learning being shared.
We thank our community for supporting our onsite supervision program and adhering to the requirements as set out by the DET, in partnership with the DHHS. The health and safety of everyone remains a priority and we appreciate your partnership to ensure this is the case for BBPS.
Class Check-Ins: Key purpose is for connection and wellbeing. These daily check-ins remain a crucial opportunity for students to connect and maintain relationships with each other in this new virtual space.
We began our surprise visits to daily class check-ins this week, and were privileged to be given an insight into a number of exciting learning opportunities taking place in our junior school.
Prep students have relished the chance to share work samples with their class and engage in weekly scavenger hunts linked to learning concepts such as measurement; vocabulary and letter recognition. Hats off to our Prep teachers for their organisation and preparation – all of which create a seamless and engaging session for our little ones.
1W wowed us with their talents at their new Friday routine session of 1W’s Talent Show – congratulations to all students for their courage to showcase their specialties, ranging from lego creations and artistic designs, gymnastic finesse and even a little bit of magic! Many thanks to Sarah McGaw for her tireless effort to build relationships with the students of her new class in circumstances that truly are unique.
Farewell 1A has something special planned to say good-bye to a valued member of our community tomorrow, as Chloe Holland relocates to sunny Queensland for the remainder of this year. We wish the family every success, and thank 1A and Bonnie Anderson for the exciting and heartfelt send off that they have planned.
Student Leadership At the senior end of our school, a number of major projects have seen a resurgence – this is the power of cognitive load.
Many thanks to Amy Chisholm and Naomi Beales for supporting our grade 6 leaders find their voices to re-tune into their important leadership roles. They are embracing the challenge of finding ways to connect with all students so watch this space!
Upstanders Congratulations to the Grade 5 Upstanders Team, led by Megan Craig, for re-engaging with their 2020 project focussed on building connection and wellbeing across our network schools, consisting of Hampton PS, Beaumaris PS, Sandringham PS and Sandringham East PS.
With the mid-term / mid- stage 4 restrictions lull starting to kick in, its important that we all take a moment to re-energise. Next week, we excitingly launch our Wellbeing Week. Please see the Wellbeing section of our newsletter for further details.
Art From Home
Thank you all for submitting your artworks to us via the website! Our fabulous art teachers are looking at every single one of them, and are very proud of your dedication to the Visual Arts Program.
Keep an eye out for our grade 6 artists Ella, Lola, Jai, Keira, Jhana, Oliver and Lauren.B whose artworks have been interspersed throughout the newsletter.
Mrs May
Mrs May is okay
Mrs May says, “Hooray!” (Levi)
Mrs May went to play
Down by the bay (Louis)
Mrs May said, “Okay
You can play outside today (Will)
Mrs May said to Kay,
“Go away and play.” (Jade)
Mrs May said to Ray
“You may go on the trampoline today” (Bastien)
( A poem created by BBPS writers)