It has been another interesting week at BBPS – teaching teams continue to offer innovative learning programs, with many classes beginning live sessions (including Specialists) and additional small explicit teaching groups to cater for the needs of all students. Congratulations to our staff for their continued learning and openness to constantly refine our program.
Onsite, staff continue to navigate the procedures in place for temperature checks and face coverings. Well done to Daryl and Luca for making it to the front page of The Age about how we can smile with our eyes when wearing a face mask and reminding us that many people in our community wear face masks everyday as part of their work particularly in the medical profession. Click here to read this fabulous article.
Onsite Attendance
Thank you to our families who continue to access onsite supervision only as a last resort, adjusting the weekly attendance form to reflect changing home circumstances. Applications for next week close today to allow for sufficient planning for supervision.
It has been exciting to see student learning uploaded at a steady pace throughout the week – congratulations to all students (and parents) for your continued hard work. It is wonderful to see our students continue to progress in their learning.
Remember, all learning is great learning – if you do not get all the tasks done each day, it's ok.
Everyday experiences count as learning – building a fort, creating with lego, imaginative play (e.g. restaurants or vets), cooking and gardening, speaking to a grandparent on the phone and asking them questions about their life experiences – every moment counts, and children will learn at every opportunity.
Junior student learning packs are a great fallback – if the tasks offered are not working for you and your child, complete an activity in the pack.
Daily Whole Class check-ins continue to be compulsory – this supports school attendance data and maintains community connection. Please email your class teacher if your child is unable to attend.
Uploaded work samples do not need to be perfect – teachers will view student’s work with a particular lens based on the learning focus. Seeing a true representation helps us to know where to next for each child.
Try to limit screen time away from the learning day – that means, no device before or after school, recess or lunch. Physical activity is extremely important during this time.
Thursday, 6th August: The Resilience Project
As advertised last week, Martin Heppell will be presenting to our school community only via Zoom – excitingly, you can enjoy from the comfort of your home! He will be exploring personal wellbeing and safety during this current time. Topic: Brighton Beach Primary School presents, 'Discovering Resilience' with Martin Heppell Time: Aug 6, 2020 06:30 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Zoom Meeting Link Meeting ID: 882 9891 4185Passcode: TRP2020
Calendar Events – some updates:

Our very lucky Preps are celebrating 100 Days of Prep - they have a virtual disco planned. We can't wait to hear how that special event goes. Excitement plus!!! Prep Parents please see the flier below for all the details.

Currently no school tours are being conducted – All enrolments for 2021 continue to be accepted. If your child is starting Prep next year, please access the enrolment forms via our website.
Term 3 Athletics Carnival 3-6 - Students continue to build their understanding of Athletics through the PE program offered weekly via the Specialist website. There will be no carnival this term, and options for sporting events in Term 4 are currently being considered.
August 28 Curriculum Day – This date was originally a school curriculum day. This date will be postponed to term 4, following School Council approval.
Father’s Day Breakfast and Stall, Friday 4th September – As this event will need to be postponed – we look forward to when we can meet and celebrate all members of our community again.
Annual Dad’s Footy Match – Although the big event will not be taking place, the Dreamers continue to be connected. Please reach out to the school office if you would like to be involved and we look forward to the Brighton Community Cup reconvening in 2021.
P-2 Swimming Program, wk 8&9 – Currently postponed until further notice.
Children’s Book Week – This event will take place in Term 4 week 3.
Grade 5 Upstanders Program – The Beachside Network are currently working on an alternative project to ensure this outstanding initiative continues in 2020.
ICAS Competitions will not be conducted this year.
School Production - We are currently in discussion about creative ways we can honour this wonderful bi-annual event. Stay tuned.
School Camps – all School Camps are postponed until term 4. We will continue to be guided by the DET as to the possibilities here. Please know that if health restrictions do not allow us to attend school camps, the teachers will be ensuring creative alternatives take place.
Congratulations to all our budding Year 5 poets who led our assembly this week.
Brilliant Poetry Recitations from 5T presenting Poems by Shel Silverstein (check out our assembly here if you missed it ).
We invite you to be inspired and learn your favourite poem off by heart, upload or send a link to Benita so your performance can be shared in the newsletter. You may have a family member or grandparent that wants to share one too!