Highlights from Learning from Home – Show and Tell
We continue to celebrate some of our students’ successes and proudest moments over the term. Students continue to take up the opportunity to share with us the pieces of work they are most proud of. Now it is your chance! As parents you played a big part in the home learning triangle. If your child has completed a learning task at home that you think was just brilliant, please upload it so that we can share it in our end of term newsletter next week. See the fine examples below from Lizzie and Christian.

With thanks
Thanks for your supportive feedback and vigilance in assisting us as we adhere to the health and safety requirements within our schoolyard. We appreciate your ongoing positiveness. Some highlights and observations that have been shared are:
The ease of parking due to the staggered times
The established flow of human traffic in and out of differing gates
The quick movement of families entering and exiting our school grounds
The level of confidence students are showing as they enter the classroom on their own
The level of engagement of students upon arrival, maximising on-task learning time
The best change to come out of social distancing and the staggered start to the school day is that parents are actively enabling their kids to be more independent. Children are happily walking independently to their classrooms, unpacking their bags and getting themselves organised for the day. The corridors are quiet, calm and orderly. The anticipated increase in separation anxiety has not eventuated, and in fact the reverse has happened. Learning is starting earlier and the children are very settled.
Additionally, from the teachers' perspective it is unanimous that lunch inside is a winner. There is no food in the playground, no litter and the children are all eating their lunches. The year 5 and 6 teachers are loving this time with their classes using it to discuss current affairs, documentaries and doing serial reading.
End of term - EARLY FINISH
If you can believe it, term 2 concludes next week.
Friday, 26th June is our final day. Staggered pick-ups:
2:15pm A-L, 2 minute zone
2:30pm M-Z