Welcome BBQ tomorrow! Please remember to join us for our first whole school community event, organised by our Parent Association. Come and join us from 5-7pm on Windermere Oval.
Our welcome BBQ is a fantastic opportunity to reconnect and welcome our new families. This week our Media Captains interviewed some of our new students:

Storm PW
How has Brighton Beach been so far? I think this school is fun.
I think my teacher is nice and fun (Miss Walker)
What has been your best highlight? Playing with Dakota (Therapy Dog-in-Training in PW)
What is your favourite subject? I like sport and writing.
Bastien, 2V – interviewed by Keira
What are you excited for in 2020? Excited about excursions
How do you find your teacher? Ms Gadea is fun and she is funny
What has been your best highlight so far? Recess playing soccer with friends
Amrita, 0W - interviewed by Keira
What are you excited for in 2020? Want to learn new things
What has been your highlight this year? Coming to BBPS and making new friends
What is your favourite subject? Reading because it's quiet
Maya, 5C
What are you excited for in 2020? Year 5 camp
What has been your best highlight so far? Playing with my friends
What is your favourite subject? Music, playing with instruments
Arjun, 3B – interviewed by Axl
What are you excited for in 2020? That you are allowed to bring your pencil case to school and camp
How has Brighton beach been so far? GREAT I’ve started to make friends
What is your favourite subject? Sport/PE, because I like basketball and athletics
Gabriel, 1A– interviewed by Tom
What are you excited for in 2020? Making new friends]
How do you find your teacher? My teacher is funny and fun
What has been your best highlight so far? I have enjoyed art
Omri 1/2C – interviewed by Axl
How has Brighton Beach been so far? Really fun
What has been your best highlight? I have enjoyed Japanese
What is your favourite subject? Music
Tilly 5C
How has Brighton Beach been so far? Good, I’ve made lots of friends and it’s a good place to learn.
How do you find your teacher? She’s fun and she makes tasks clear
What is your favourite subject? Writing and art.
Congratulations With excitement, we congratulate Averil Gramaconi – BBPS’ Reading Recovery Specialist, and newest Australian Citizen. Many staff attended the ceremony in support

Also, a big congratulations to Kylie White, 1W, and her husband Chris who are expecting their second child in July
Prep Wednesdays: This week marks the final week of rest days for our 2020 Preps, and Entry Assessments for our prep teachers. We look forward to supporting our preps for their first full week next week. We advise families to minimise extra-curricular activities, maintain routine and early bed times.
Prep 2021 school tours have begun, taking place each Wednesday 9:30-10:30am. Thank you to our Grade 6 leaders who support this process.
Parent Expo Wednesday, 4th March 5:30-7: The votes are in (thank you for your contributions to our initial survey), and sessions have been finalised.
Please sign up for the information sessions that you would like to attend – this is an opportunity for you to experience learning first hand and get a sense of what our beliefs in best practice at BBPS are.
Sessions are organised according to 4 categories: Curriculum, School Operations, Student Engagement and Wellbeing, Home-School Partnerships
You can attend up to three consecutive sessions in total. Students are welcome to attend these sessions with you.
Click on the link below to read about each session and sign yourself up.
Grade 7 Morning Tea: Miss Chisholm, Miss Beales and myself took great joy in attending the Brighton Secondary School morning tea, an opportunity for 2019 Grade 6 teachers to reconnect with BBPS students in attendance at Brighton Secondary in Grade 7 this year. As a major feeder secondary school for our community, it was wonderful to see so many of last year’s grade 6s (approximately half!) – as well as former students now in Grade 8, 9, and 10! The students shared their excitement about going on school camp, introduced us to some of their new friends, and discussed the complexities of remembering what subject period they had next and which book to take from their locker.

WELCOME BBQ – Tomorrow 5-7pm, don’t forget to join us on Windermere Oval for our annual welcome event.