Many thanks to the many parents and teachers who have supported a very full PE Program this week. Congratulations to all students involved, and well done to Josh Ancrum for his coordination of all these events.
See below for student reflections.

Friday, 14th February – SWIMMING CARNIVAL 3-6
Abby, 5S “It was fun, I got some ribbons and I’m really excited Gordon won!”
Luca, 3RH “It was a very hot first carnival but the noodle race was fun”
Matthias, 3RH “The freestyle and noodle race were fun. I was in the winning team – Gordon!”

Tuesday, 18th February – TRIATHLON VICTORIA
Rhiana, 6B “I learnt about all the different triathlons, there’s heaps!”
Katherine, 5S “I had a lot of fun doing swimming on the scootie board. Everyone kept cheering me on”
Josh, 5S “It was a struggle keeping the pedals upright when you were trying to cycle really fast”
Wednesday, 19th and Thursday, 20th February – HOCKEY VICTORIA CLINICS
Liam, 5S “I realised that when you use the right size hockey stick you can go as fast as you want”
Josh, 2V “We dribbled the ball and did a race with the hockey sticks”
Thursdays this term – YOGANAUTS 1-4 – Many thanks to Alison Coutts for organising this experience.
Sarayu, 1W “I enjoyed putting my mat out and having to balance”
Ryan, 1W “It was fun balancing the birds”
Jesse, 2V “You got to balance the bird anywhere on your body, except your face”
Charlotte, 2V “We had to throw the small bean bag ball and catch it with one hand or two, and even with one leg up”
Wednesday, 19th February – GIRLS FOOTY TOURNAMENT 5-6
Congratulations to the Girl’s Team who competed at Moorabbin yesterday. We beat Hampton in the Grand Final 24-6. We now have the opportunity to play in a curtain raiser for a St Kilda AFLW match. An outstanding result. Many thanks to the families who supported the team.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – INTERSCHOOL SPORT 5-6 – We wish our teams all the best for their first double header tomorrow. Tuesday, Thursday mornings – RUNNING CLUB – a reminder that if the ground is wet or it rains the night before, Running Club will not be on. Otherwise, please join us at 8:15am, grades 1 to6. Preps are welcome to join us in term 4. Any students who arrive at school prior to 8:45am on Tuesdays and Thursdays will be asked to join the running team.
MEET AND GREETS: Many thanks to our many families who participated in Meet and Greet interviews this week – a great opportunity for students, teachers and parents to come together at the start of the year.
If you ever need to make a time to meet with your teacher in the future, please contact them via an email to the Office to arrange a mutually agreeable time.
Jasper in 4B came with his mum to the Meet and Greet “It helps the teacher know you better, and I got to tell Mr Bolger about my siblings, that I like sport and ask questions about Bike Ed”
Henry, 2G “Mrs Gates told my mum and dad that I can write in my reading journal when I read by myself. She also said that my handwriting is very neat – all the time!
PARENT EXPO: This year we are giving our curriculum nights a revamp - instead we will be running our first ever Parent Expo on Wednesday 4th March. In order for us to confirm what sessions will be on offer, we'd love your initial thoughts on topics that might be of interest.
Please take 3 minutes to complete our initial survey – survey closes Monday 24th February
Working Bee - Mission accomplished and much appreciated!
A very big thank you to all families who attended the Working bee on Sunday. Phoebe and Struan shared a report at assembly thanking all of the families and kids who helped. Many thanks to Kemin’s (Year 5) family for supplying the drinks.
We also thank Shane as our school maintenance manager for the preparation he put in beforehand. With so many helpers, the three playgrounds were done in no time! A typical BBPS community effort!
Many thanks to Mr Duckett and Mr Bolger who also came along to join in the fun.
Mia Year 4 ‘The playground in West is so soft and spongy now.’

WELCOME BBQ – Next Friday, 28th February, 5-7pm, don’t forget to join us on Windermere Oval for our annual welcome event. Details as advertised in the newsletter, we look forward to seeing you there. Many thanks to our Grade 5 parents for overseeing the organisation of this event.
WHOLE SCHOOL CHOIR: Choir has resumed. Join the team at 8:30am on Wednesdays
SCHOOL COUNCIL: The 2019 School Council held their final meeting this week – a huge thank you must go to all members of the team. A special thanks to Lisa Mitchell in her role as School Council President and to all members of the 2019 team.
Rachel Helyer David Capps Helen Tiver Mel Murphy
Deidre Lewis Roel Beckers Violetta Wuiske Rishpal Saraw
Bev May Kim Ancrum Alison Coutts Vanessa Gadea