Student Initiatives
This week we were treated to 6B’s class share at assembly, where grade 6 students introduced their different leadership roles. Grade 6 students will be actively participating in a whole school leadership program, focused this term on exploring the question: What capabilities define a leader?
Already a number of our Captains are actively engaging with their roles and responsibilities.
Library Captains Ayane, Abby and Lauren have initiated a whole school book drive: “We’ve asked everyone to donate a book to help rebuild Sandringham Primary School’s library. So far we already have 74 books, and we will be collecting all term! Please send donations to the library”
Media Captains Maureen, Keira, Axl, Tom and Nico had their first radio session this morning. Tune into Southern FM from 7am to hear our team. Maureen reflected “Our first session went really well. I really liked doing the jokes and am looking forward to having people call into the station”

Will, ICT Captain “Our first assembly went really well – we have to make sure that everything works and if something goes wrong, we have to remember to stay calm and act like its meant to happen”
Lauren B, Visual Arts Captain “I’m really excited about painting production sets this year as part of my role”
Henry, SRC Representative “I’m looking forward to helping people to make friends
Hello we are Ella, Hugh, Jai, Lawson, Polly and Hannah the new Performing Arts captains. This year we are very excited to be helping with all of the musical activities at BBPS, especially the production. If you have any questions about Performing Arts we would be happy to chat with you. We would like to let everyone know that choir will be starting up next Wednesday, looking forward to seeing everyone there!
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Meet and Greets Years 1-6
Tuesday night is a great opportunity for parents and teachers alike to meet each other and share goals and aspirations for each child for 2020. Thank you to all families who have reserved a timeslot via Compass Conferences.
Assembly takes place on Monday afternoons 2:45-3:30pm. All family members welcome.
School start and finish times
School commences at 9.00am and finishes at 3.30pm
Working Bee– Sunday 16th of February 9.30-11.30am.
If you can make it this Sunday please bring your children, a wheelbarrow, spreading rake and spade. We are adding to the soft fall under the playground equipment. If you can just bring yourself, we can share school barrows etc. Any help is appreciated even if you can spare one hour during that time. Please notify the school at if you can make it.
Many thanks to all those families who have signed up.

Years 3-6 have now completed their intensive swim safety program for the year. We wish all students, especially first-timers Year 3, who are competing in tomorrow’s carnival the very best. The carnival begins at 9:30am at SwimRight on Tulip Street, Sandringham.

Ben, 3RH “I’m really excited about my first carnival, and I’ve got good friends and swimmers in my house so that’s good”
Michael, 3RH “I’m less worried about going in races now I know that I only race against grade 3s”
Natasha, 3RH “I like doing freestyle and backstroke”
Phoebe, 3RH “I might go in the freestyle race”
School Policies
At BBPS we are fully committed to the Child Safe Standards, as mandated by the Department of Education this can be found on our website.
Our policies can be found on our school website including our mobile phone policy.
Parent Association 2020
The PA have their first meeting on Friday, 7th Feb in the Glasshouse Meeting Room at 9:10am. If you are interested in being part of this invaluable group of community members in any way, please come along. If you are unable to come to the meeting, but are interested in having a role, please contact Jenny Ermogenis our 2020 PA Events Coordinator via email
In particular, the PA are looking for Class Representatives, a Treasurer and Secretary. Please register your interest via email
School Council 2020 Nominations
Each year in February/March, an election is conducted for members of the school council for Brighton Beach Primary School. All government schools in Victoria have a school council; a legally formed body that sets the key directions of the school within centrally provided guidelines. There are three possible categories of membership:
A mandated elected parent category. Potential and retiring councillors can be nominated.
A mandated elected Department of Education and Training employee category.
An optional community member category.
The term of office for councillors is 2 years. Some members retire each year and this creates vacancies for the annual School Council elections. If you have a desire to work in partnership with others to help shape the school’s future, and contribute in ways that reflect the best interests of all students, please consider nominating. Sue Klein, our business manager would really like a parent
with finance/accounting expertise to consider joining our finance committee! Nomination forms for the vacancies on school council are now available from the office. If you are interested in nominating but cannot come to school to collect a nomination form, please telephone
the office to request that we send one home with your child. Nominations are staying open until Friday, 21st February, closing at 4pm.
For further information see attached
The 2019 School Council will meet for their final meeting Wednesday, 19th February at 7pm
Term 1 Community Events: Put these dates in the diary to be involved in our community
Meet and Greets
Tuesday, 18th Feb.
Grade 1 -6 in your child’s classroom
Sign up via Compass Conference – link will be provided next week
An opportunity for you to meet your child’s teacher in a one on one 10 minute meeting.
Prep parents will have this Meet and Greet on the first 4 Wednesdays while Prep do not attend school.
Welcome BBQ
Friday, 28th Feb
All welcome Windermere Oval, 5-7pm. A wonderful event to reconnect with members of our community – keep an eye out in the newsletter for details. Grade 5 families have been allocated this event by the PA as key facilitators– please keep an eye out on Compass for the opportunity to be further involved. Also, if you have a contact to a bread provider or bakery, please contact Jenny.
Parent Expo
Wednesday, 4th March
Classrooms, 5:30-7.00pm Prep – 6 Schedule to be communicated via Compass An opportunity for parents to participate in a series of workshops to further inform understanding of learning at BBPS and build the home/school connection.
This is in lieu of our traditional curriculum nights - please note that Prep will still have a curriculum information session as part of the night. All details will be featured in our newsletter.
David Anderson Thursday, 12th March In the CLC P-6 – all welcome
*Supervision provided for your child, please email the Office should you require this service.
As promised last year, in follow up to his Term 4 session, David Anderson – Leadership Consultant, will be focusing on providing you with practical language stems and processes to build strong relationships with your child that focus on inquiring and building self-regulation and independence. Keep an eye out for the Compass Event. Grade 6 and SRC Leadership Badge presentation
Monday, 16th March
Hall 2:45-3:30pm Grades 2-6 Join us for our annual badge presentation ceremony, led by the Grade 5/6 teaching team, where we celebrate our Grade 6 leaders and 2020 Student Representative Council.