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Performing Arts


Every student at Brighton Beach Primary School participates in a Performing Arts class each week.  The lessons cover three disciplines of the Arts – Music, Drama and Dance. Children learn specific skills to enhance their learning whilst creating and making. In the upper years children explore and respond to different art/music forms. Performances and presentation of work are encouraged. During lessons, students’ self-esteem and confidence improve through participation in both group and individual activities.  In Music lessons, children listen, sing, move to, play (using tuned/ untuned percussion instruments), create and respond to music of different genres. The elements of music are taught as are notation skills. Grade 3 and 4 children learn about the elements of music and how to read conventional notation. They are also taught how to play the recorder as an introduction to learning an instrument.


During dance lessons, children have the opportunity to experiment with movement, create their own dances and to participate in dance performances to a wider audience They also learn simple folk dances and current social dance styles. Drama is approached largely through games and improvisational activities. The focus is on developing basic skills and confidence in movement, mime and effective vocal techniques. Students are also given opportunities to work with scripted plays and to perform to a wider audience.

School Production

Our school production is a musical extravaganza, held off site, where families and extended families participate in the night.  Students begin preparation for this fantastic event at least one term before the date. The production takes place every second year. Senior students take on the more demanding speaking roles and children at all grade levels perform song and dance routines with some drama involved.





Instrumental Music Lessons

​Weekly instrumental music lessons are available for your child and take place during school hours. Currently keyboard/piano, drums guitar and saxophone, flute or clarinet are offered, but other instrumental music lessons may become available if there is enough demand. We have two music providers at our school who organise and run lessons:

  • Mr Phil Gunter: guitar, drums, piano/keyboard

  • Red Notes Music: brass/woodwind instruments and percussion teacher.

  • We also encourage group rehearsals and performances through joining:

  • Choir, Rock band, Dance group, Band/Orchestra, Recorder ensemble, Ukulele club. (Some of these groups run on a term basis and others throughout the year).



Children are given plenty of opportunity to perform and express their talents both within the school (at assemblies and school events, musical soirees) and also in our local community (elderly citizens, shopping centre, other schools).

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