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Term 4 Week 8
Book Donations Kids are so naturally thoughtful and responsive in times of need. Our leaders at BBPS have shown such great initiative as...
Term 4 Week 7
PRODUCTION: Congratulations to all students for the successful performance and recording of this year’s production! Tentatively put Wed...
Term 4 Week 6
This week at BBPS: Lots going on at school at the moment, and we thank our staff for their continued enthusiasm and facilitation of high...
Term 4 Week 5
Curriculum Day Teachers engaged in a day of reflection and planning as part of Monday's Curriculum Day. We took the time to reflect and...
Term 4 Week 4
Message From Bev and Kim Katia, Will and Ruby (6C) Great job to all this week, with a sense of excitement in response to government...
Term 4 Week 3
Human ingenuity - Needing to stay home on doctor's orders, Harry (far left) with broken arm joins his classmates for a story – for book...
Term 4 Week 2
The Resilience Project concepts of GEM (Gratitude, Empathy, and Mindfulness) were a key element of our Learning from Home. As we revel in...
Term 4 Week 1 - All the time Learning
Yay! We can't wait until Monday we are so looking forward to welcoming everybody back. Such good news and a credit to all Victorians. We...
Term 3 Week 9
Three Way Conferences Thank you to all families who engaged in three-way conferences this week, a wonderful opportunity to share and...
Term 3 Week 8
We continue to receive extremely positive feedback for what we are doing here at BBPS, and reciprocate this feedback for everything you...
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