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Term 2 Week 7
The Pandemic is forcing us all to slow down and to appreciate what we have. At BBPS we have great kids, great parents and a great...

Term 2 Week 5
NAPLAN Congratulations to the Grade 3 and 5 students for their completion of NAPLAN over the past two weeks. Results will be shared with...

Term 2 Week 3
Schools are such busy ecosystems, each section doing and contributing its part. There has been much to celebrate this past two weeks at...

Term 2 Week 1
Welcome back everyone, it’s been a great start to what is shaping up to be a jam packed term. We have so much to look forward to and by...

Term 1 Week 10
It has been a wonderful term, and we continue to be so grateful for the experiences we have been able to have in the classroom with our...

Term 1 Week 8
What’s been happening at BBPS… With a whole school focus on ‘Building positive learning communities’ and ‘gratitude’ all teachers and...

Term 1 Week 6
What’s been happening across the school? This week’s Parent Expo was a great insight into what we do each day in the classroom and how...

Term 1 Week 4
Up for the Challenge! The Premier commenced his address at 1.45pm last Friday and with some Department of Education guidelines at 3.20pm,...

Term 1 Week 2
Welcome back everyone, and a warm welcome to our new families. It has been a wonderfully smooth start to our year, and we thank you for...
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