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Term 4 Week 7
Congratulations to our Grade 5 Upstanders who have this week facilitated a series of workshops for their peers focused on this year’s...

Term 4 Week 5
Term 4 Week 5 Its been a joyous two weeks since our last newsletter, as our students have returned to face to face schooling....

Term 4 Week 3
Message From Bev and Kim Fun Flying Kites It has been a thrill to have our junior school back this week on staggered days, and we look...

Term 4 Week 1
It’s hard to believe that we are at the start of Term 4, a term when our students focus on reflecting on their achievements for the year,...

Term 3 Week 9
A BIG SHOUT OUT to MRS MAY & MRS ANCRUM Their positive attitude and ability to keep up with the challenges of COVID has been immense. A...

Term 3 Week 7
We again thank you for your continued support from home and congratulate our families on their collective efforts in learning. Many...

Term 3 Week 5
The above picture shows Pippa, Oscar and Harvey constructing a bird feeder and planters, and is a perfect example of how everyday...

Term 3 Week 3
It's hard to believe that it is the end of week 3, term 3 based on the term we have had so far! We are thrilled to have our children...

Term 3 Week 1
Welcome back, in this uncertain time, and thank you for responding to our changing operations as we respond to state-wide announcements....

Term 2 Week 9
Its been wonderful having all our children back this past week, and our focus now shifts to ensuring we all have a strong finish into the...
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