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Term 1 Week 8
Learning this week - Classroom learning has continued as per normal this week, with an increased focus on hygiene practices. Here are our...

Term 1 Week 7
STOMP Cultural Dance - BBPS students had a fantastic time in their dance workshops run by STOMP Dance Company. These workshops focused on...

Term 1 Week 6
Welcome BBQ Many thanks to all our families who joined us for our Welcome BBQ last Friday. A big thank you to Jenny Ermogenis and the...

Term 1 Week 5
Welcome BBQ tomorrow! Please remember to join us for our first whole school community event, organised by our Parent Association. Come...

Term 1 Week 4
A BIG WEEK OF SPORT Many thanks to the many parents and teachers who have supported a very full PE Program this week. Congratulations to...

Term 1 Week 3
Student Initiatives This week we were treated to 6B’s class share at assembly, where grade 6 students introduced their different...

Term 1 Week 2
Welcome back to everyone, and thank you for the smooth and wonderful start to the year. A special welcome to our many new families and...
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